Chapter 567: Everyone Out of Control, The Sound of Breaking Free from the Cage (8 updates)

Chloe Stephens stepped forward again, raised her hand and placed it on the invisible wall, using her strength to destroy the wall.

Despite infusing all her power, she couldn't even make it budge.

Len Hawthorne followed suit, trying to shake the wall in the same way.

A thunderous rumbling sounded.

Two forces simultaneously collided with the invisible wall, causing the ground to shake.

The wind began to blow spontaneously around them.

The Godfrey Family.

Allen Godfrey suddenly emerged from a mechanized gate, heading in the direction of the Crowley Family.

Blake Watsons, who had just returned to the Watsons Family, also turned towards the Crowley Family's direction. They were drawn there, as if magnetically attracted by an alluring force.

Not just them; Austin Godfrey, who had been sitting outside, quickly followed suit.