Lurkin had called me again, after a week. He gave me the address to one of his warehouses on the outskirts of Edinburgh and told me to show up. He was short staffed tonight, so I jumped at the opportunity like any good neighbour would.
I sat in his office for about half an hour, working through the pointless paperwork, trying to remember who Mack McCune was. All my documents were impeccable, the guys in Glasgow had done a great job in faking my identity. Lurkin couldn't be taken for granted. He was careful and I had to play a dumb ass.
"I have five trucks that need to go out tonight. Raj will give you the delivery schedule. If you don't mess anything up, I want you here tomorrow at the same time." Lurkin chuckled, trying to be funny.
"There won't be any mess-up. I can assure you," I stated. "Thanks for this, Adrian. I appreciate it."