I didn't know how, but I managed to take control of the meeting. My hormones were raging, and I couldn't stop picturing his perfect arse, but somehow, I managed to steer our conversation back to his project. Everything was going well until he brought up lunch.
Harry Erskine was Dexter Tyndall's buddy. Sasha had told me about his mixer parties once, so I knew that the guy wasn't serious about women. I shut him down pretty quickly when he started asking questions about my business, then carried on with the meeting.
The truth was, that I liked him. In fact, the desire burning down below was making it hard to concentrate on what I was supposed to be saying.
Deep down, I was furious with myself that my body was reacting in such a way. From a very early age, I learnt that men weren't to be trusted. They all wanted to use me. I didn't have time to worry about boyfriends. My siblings were much more important to me. Over the years I had dated a few times, but my life was complicated. No one was ever ready to commit to being part of my family.
Harry continued looking at my lips when I talked. Heat kept me immobile, but I was determined to stay on track, even though I was thinking about my meeting across the road. After half an hour, I told him what he could expect from my marketing proposal. This project was going to take a large chunk of my time, but it was my job. I had no other choice but to stay here at Digital Box until I could make enough money to support myself doing what I loved most: dancing on the pole.
"Well, that's pretty much everything I need right now. I'll be in touch again once I've laid out clear and detailed social media objectives," I said, getting up. He buttoned his elegant suit jacket and smiled. Every time he smiled, something odd happened to my heart. My legs pumped with liquid heat, making my knees feeble and weak.
Get a grip, Gina. He is just a good-looking guy who fucked your boss's wife. Nothing good will come of it.
"Excellent, I'll be looking forward to your phone call, Miss Martinez," he said, and then shook my hand again. Sparks of electricity ran down my thighs, and I tried to concentrate on my training routine instead, but that wasn't quite working. However, I was planning to keep things between me and Mr. Erskine strictly professional.
"Nice meeting you, Mr. Erskine," I muttered, grabbed my stuff, and hurried away back to my office.
I could tell he was watching me until I disappeared behind the door. Several moments later, I sat at my desk fanning myself with a stack of papers. My heart was pounding away, and it was official: I was drenched to the point that I felt uncomfortable.
My phone started vibrating, so I pressed the number to listen to the voicemail.
"Miss Martinez, Agatha assured me that you were worth my time. I hate wasting my valuable time. You should have let me know that you weren't planning to show for lunch. I guess you won't be needing my business help after all."
My contact. Of course, he was pissed that I stood him up. I had been practising my perfect pitch the whole morning and Davies ruined it for me. Erskine could have seen anyone from the team.
I slammed my hand on my desk in anger, ready to go to Davies and let him know that his wife was cheating on him. I'd pay big money to see the look on his nasty face.
I got up and paced around my office, knowing I would need to start from scratch again. The business was generating some income. I had several women who wanted to get to the next level, even take part in some pole dancing competitions, but for that, I needed hard cash.
I grabbed my handbag and headed out to get some lunch, telling myself that I had to stay positive. I knew it was going to be a long day. The truth was, that I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about Harry Erskine until I had wild, adventurous sex with him, and it was clear that this wasn't going to happen any time soon.