Seduce her

"Seduce her", Daniel pointed out, shouting for the others to hear him amidst the noise to the girl partying crazily on the club. "I challenge you". Wearing a one-piece red dress, she seems to be showing off her figure. She is with another guy, tall and lean, which might be her date. She is having fun. It looked like she was used to such a lifestyle. 'who dates on clubs these days?' he thought.

"What?" Daniel asked him. "Go on, let me see if you can seduce one girl tonight and take her to a hotel," Daniel spoke frankly. He had no sense of shame for the way he was. He was enjoying his life to the best. He was about making friends with benefits.

Chris shrugged and agreed with a dangerous seducing smile. He placed his drink down and stood to observe her. She stopped dancing and walked towards the drinking counter. "shots," She ordered the bartender. Chris stood next to her, looking at her, but she didn't even look at his face. She boozed and walked towards the restroom.

Christopher Bang is a young man, enthusiastic about everything. There is no man in the room who can beat his sense of fashion and his body built, which gives him overconfidence and strength to do whatever he wishes. Chris changed when he made friends with Daniel. He began to see life the way Daniel was too.

Chris followed the red-dressed girl to the washroom and waited outside until she came out. He was shocked to see her change. A brunette so beautiful in her pair of old jeans and sneakers, hair put up, and makeup washed off from the face, looking fresh and sober after drinking all of the vodkas. He ringed Daniel instantly, who was busy flirting. Chris followed her out, deciding his mind to try it out with her. Unfortunately, her date, the tall and lean guy, was waiting there for her. For some unknown reason, he started to feel tense suddenly, seeing her. He stood near her pretending to wait for the taxi, eavesdropping on her conversation with the guy.

"Rors, let's go for dinner someday, okay. Call me," That guy said. "Don't feel bad about...." He said something that Chris couldn't catch up with. "Woah, you are the best cousin, dude," she laughed, patting his shoulders. Chris exhaled. 'Cousin' he laughed lightly.

"Are you taking it?" She asked when a taxi stopped near them. Chris shook his head. "Alright," She got in. "To the University." She told the driver and looked at Chris. His expression was clear for her to understand. "Get in. I knew you were a student," She told him and opened the door for him. Both remained silent until they reached college. They shared their pay, and she walked off to her dorm while he stood watching her. Though she was drunk, she was steady. He smiled. He liked it. He really liked it. 'She is like no other,' he thought as he lay awake that night.

Chris didn't see her for the next whole month though he asked everyone about this mysterious girl. Since he didn't have an idea about her name or her major, the search seemed futile and hopeless to him. Daniel was of no use.