Gradually, slowly.

After Aurora's visit, the very next day, he did the same. Chris showed up in the cafeteria; she usually had lunch and waited for her while doing his work. But she didn't come. He asked a couple of people to hear about her practice and rushed to her with his books and drafts. He opened her room and sat there doing his work. She didn't even notice him until she finished playing the music she had composed. He finished drawing his model by that time and listened to her play.

"What are you doing here?" she looked surprised to see him.

"Thought I would come and see you." He replied the same. "Did you compose that? Am I the first one to listen to this ?" He asked in curiosity.

She just nodded and remained silent. She has never let anyone listen to her while practising her composing.

"You must be hungry. Let's go," he said and walked out of the room, taking up his things. They had lunch together again that day but spoke absolutely nothing.

Soon he made it a habit of listening to her play the piano, and she let him. Aurora had no idea why, But she just let him. She seemed to have begun to do little shows around the town. Every piece she played seemed to be serious and emotional. Some of them are sad but stirring. But he never asked about it. And she never revealed about it either.

"Why is it that we always have lunch in silence? I don't get it!" he asked. And for that, she laughed.

"I always wondered the same." She replied and laughed out loud. They became friends instantly and ate together often. They would sometimes jog together in the mornings, sneaking out of the dorm and sometimes wouldn't see each other at all until one texted the other.

"What the heck?" she went over to see what he had been doing for more than a week. That was the first and very long gap of contact Aurora and Chris had between them. She immediately stopped talking the moment she saw him with some other girl. They were laughing loud having some interesting conversation. He did see her but pretended not to have seen her. Aurora went back to her dorm from the cafeteria and didn't practice that day. She was not in a good mood. She hid in the auditorium, and he never found her on the campus that day. She didn't contact him the next whole week until he came in the middle of her class and asked her out for a moment.

"What the heck? Why didn't you reply to my messages? Why didn't you answer my calls?" he asked. He looked worried. She smiled. She felt satisfied to have pissed him off for seeing him spending time with another girl.

"I was busy! I had some shows too" she told him, hitting his arms. "Missed me ?" she asked him, teasing him.

"Of course I did," he replied back unknowingly.

"Really?" she raised her brow and tilted her head looking into his eyes.

"I mean, you should shut me out like this," he said scratching his head looking away.

"Then you should act the same way," Aurora told him and smiled.

"I understood that now," Christopher Bang did understand that he pissed her off and that she taught him a lesson. But he liked it. No one had done it before, to him. It felt special. They reached an agreement in silence.

Aurora bunked her class that day and went out with him. Chris was desperate to show her around. he wanted to do many things with her. But he was also afraid of asking her on a date. They walked around the streets and malls. She had to shop for something.

"How is it?" she asked him wearing shorts and a shimmering black backless top. He was shocked. For a moment he stood with his jaws open.

"Bad," he said soon closing his mouth. "This doesn't suit you and it's too revealing. Why would you want this? NO NO NO Go change," He got jealous easily. 'what? I am mad. Why do I care?' he thought to himself scratching his head as she walked back into the changing room. She frowned and chose a printed Jean with a shimmering full-sleeved golden top he suggested. "Pack them," he said and dragged her out of the shop.

"This? Really?" Aurora asked Chris. "Really?"

"Aurora, you are a sheep surrounded by thee wolves, you have to be careful," he warned her. Aurora laughed out loud seeing how serious he sounded and looked. He looked like a possessive guy. But it was all working out in her way, any way, so she was happy and satisfied.

"Let's go have some tacos," Chris suggested and took her to another place.