
We would never know what is written for us. But whatever we do is what gets written later. what would you choose? Go by the fate? Or make your fate? But Aurora was not sure about what to and which path to choose. She was confused and she slowly fell in love too.

Aurora sat in the car not saying much. But Chris was over the top, feeling excited and happy to be with her.

"Resort. It's my dad's. But there is a small beautiful hill. We can go trekking there. It is a place you would remember forever. I wanna show you something too," Aurora's heart pounded loud and she clenched her fists as she heard Chris's words. He had put on music in the car, all piano tracks and classical music, they were slow tracks he stole from her table. The whole world could hear both the hearts pounding for all the reasons.

It was midnight by the time they reached the place. She couldn't see much outside since its dark. The place looked elegant as she entered the resort. He took the keys and took her to their room. There was only a single bed. "you said you won't." She turned to him. "What?" he asked. It then lighted in his head. "I know, but I didn't say I won't sleep next to you. And we already have in Kate's place. I think I should be afraid of you this time. You haven't promised." Aurora kicked him hard and walked in. "Ouch. That hurts," he screamed, holding his leg and walking in, closing the door behind. He already gave orders in the reception for some new clothes for both of them. The room looked super luxurious, and she had no idea what to do. There is a king-size bed, dining, a study and a balcony. There were robes, and she had to change from her wet clothes desperately. She hated being wet. She showered and changed into those robes while, in the meantime Chris ordered more food and wine to the room. He forgot about asking Aurora what she wishes to eat.

As she got out of the washroom, he saw her drying his hair with the towel wearing white shorts and the white shirt unbuttoned. 'why does he have to look hot' she thought. 'he seems to be working out well. Hmm.' She kept observing him without having him notice her. She opened the door for the room service and let the food in. that whole night, they spent time eating, drinking and playing and arguing about silly things wrapped up in their own bubble, happy and in love. She was aware all the time. But the more she talked with him, the more she fell for this reckless person. It was 3'o'clock in the morning, and she ordered him to sleep in the one end of the bed, keeping distance from her just to see his funny reactions secretly enjoying it. He listened to her and kept his distance, only holding her. She laid watching him drifting off to sleep with tears in her eyes. She moved closed and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight," she wished him and slept closer to him, hugging him. He smiled, pretending to sleep and letting her be unaware of her tears.

Chris waited for Aurora to wake up all dressed up to go out. "Shit, why didn't you wake me?" she asked him, jumping out of bed.

"You were sleeping very peacefully. So I let you be and got ready while you were sleeping. The clothes are here. Stop seducing me in the robes and change already." He said. She threw the pillow right on his face and picked up the bag. Half an hour later, she came out of the washroom all dolled up in faded blue jeans and a white cotton off-shoulders top showing her waistline. He pretended not to notice her and prepared the table for breakfast. "How did you know the sizes?" She asked him shyly, seeing how well the dress fits. "I just took a guess." He replied, avoiding looking at her. She flushed and hit him. "what?" He asked her, rubbing his shoulders where she hit him. "Sit," she ordered him to sit for the breakfast.