
"Sit down," Dr. Kyle told Rob and Neema. The couple looked really tensed. The girl was taken back to her room. Aurora had completely forgotten about herself it appeared.

"What is happening? How is she?" Rob asked. "We were told that everything is fine, how come she cannot remember anything?" Neema sobbed. She could not control her tears.

"Listen," Kyle began. He had her reports with him. He showed them and began explaining. The brain and the whole head in the scanning report were well explained to the couple. "Basically, it shows no damage or any sort of problem. They perfectly fine. But the memory loss is surprising. It could be temporary amnesia due to the accident or the shock she experienced. I can guarantee you that once she recovers or if she needs rehabilitation, we can provide her. After that, she will be fine and able to get back. But I want to also tell you, if she cannot recall, we can think of it as..."