Thank You

"Bro, let me stay here today," Sam walked in. 

"What are you doing here?" Chris was surprised. 

"I came here for a competition. It's done. I have two days off, I have no where to go," Sam said and sat on the couch. 

"Go spend time with your girl friend," Chris said and walked towards the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator picked a bottle of orange juice for Sam. 

"Which girlfriend? How come I do not know I have one?" Sam laughed.

"I'm sure that girl is your..." Chris said.

"No she is not. We are just friends," Sam corrected his best friend immediately. 

"But she had a great interest in you," Chris wondered. 

"But I did not see her the same way," Sam shrugged.

"Is it because of that advice?" Asked he to Sam.

Sam nodded. "It was a good one. So I took it," Sam cleared. "Life has never been peaceful but I never saw her again after that," Sam leaned back and relaxed.