
Life is unpredictable. You may be expecting one. Something entirely different takes place. This proves how we can only live day by day but not take control of it. Life gives us various lessons, heart aches, and heart Fluttering moments. Then there it is; it also gives the most annoying moments we wish never happened or came across. 

"What are you? A zombie?" Liyana asked. She was about to pluck out her hair. "Why are you coming here to eat my brains every morning?" She was furious. 

"Duh! You think that brain is worth it?" He mocked her. "It only contains certains notes. Other wise it's good for nothing. Besides it's not like I can't start a day without seeing your face, I have no choice. I have to come take all the bad omen looking at your face," Christopher Bang unlocked the different level of being annoying to Liyana.