Jared helping Chris to know himself better

Liyana fell asleep and did not reply to him. The next day when she got downstairs for breakfast, there was a guest. 

"Chris?" She was surprised. 

"Good morning," he wished her. He was sitting with Neema and Rob in the dining waiting for Liyana. 

"Sit down. Let us have breakfast together," Neema said. Liyana was surprised. 

"How are you?" Chris asked. Rob and Neema looked at each other for a second. 

"Fine," she said and sat opposite him. She was not looking at his face. 

They had breakfast in silence for the first few minutes. Neema had prepared meatball porridge, honey glazed chicken, fried brinjal, spinach and rice. 

"Registration went well," Rob said. Liyana and Chris looked at each other. She turned her head away quickly. 

"I'm not going to ask you why you couldn't show up," Rob said, looking at his daughter. 

"Forgive me.. I... " But Liyana was stopped by Chris.