Broke the phone

Liyana opened the door to check who it was knocking in the midnight getting up from the couch. "What the.. what are you doing here?" Liyana was shocked to see Chris barging in. 

"Oh hi, you came over," Leo said. "I was bored. Good you came."

"You called him?" Liyana asked in disbelief. 

"Of course," Leo winked at her. Liyana rolled her eyes.

"Stay away from them and sleep Ayan," Liyana said and walked back to her room. Maggie walked out and looked at Liyana. Chris and Leo had laid down, playing in their phone. 

"What is the meaning of this?" Maggie asked.

"I don't know. It appears everyone loves to stay at your comfy place," Liyana said and fell into the bed. 

"Leo I can understand he is following me and bugging me, but Chris?" Maggie asked. 

"Ask him," Liyana hid the truth. She had no heart to tell Maggie what Chris had told her about dating before. 

No one slept that night until it was early in the morning.