A trip plan

"Are you really going to go have dinner with him?" Asked Chris when they reached drhw parking lot.

"He is my friend. Why should I say no? Why would I not go?" Liyana questioned back.

"I.. nothing," Chris said. "No men approach women without a purpose. Unless they want to..." 

"Chris please," Liyana did not let Chris complete his words. Chris did not like it, cutting through him. "If you can do whatever with Alka, why can I not with my friend?"

"That is a different case. Alka and I.. but here I feel sure that Kyle..." But Liyana stopped him again. 

"You think I cannot tell that Alka likes you or is obsessed with you? No. It's just that I'm choosing to ignore unnecessary thoughts," Liyana snapped at Chris silence him with her words. Chris was surprised. He did not want to argue with her, so he tried to put an end to this deadly conversation deciding to let her go out for dinner with Dr Kyle. He decided to make peace with it.