
"I'm fine," Chris said immediately, hiding his paper cut on his cheek. But Liyana noticed it. She walked towards him with a tissue. "I'm okay," Chris stopped her immediately when she reached out to wipe the little drop of blood. 

"I'm sorry," she apologies feeling ashamed. "I thought it is Maggie and..." she could not continue. 

"I understand," he said. But he had his doubts and confusion. 'Why is she so against Hara?' Chris wanted to know. 

Maggie walked in slowly. She looked a little scared. Liyana shot a look at Maggie who stood still like a statue. 'I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything about it,' Maggie apologies with actions instead of speaking. 

"What is it? Anything urgent?" Liyana then changed the topic and asked Chris. 

"Yes. The client wants to know whether we would be visiting the site to witness the progress of the resort this week," Chris informed.