Cooling down

Liyana looked at the car. She walked towards it. She wanted to get in and go far away, somewhere. But as she got closer to the car, her heart almost burst out of her chest with anxiety. She closed her eyes and turned around dropping her bag on the ground. The same time, someone pulled her by her hands and hugged close, hiding her face and help her cover up. Liyana let herself rest in a stranger's arm. She felt the hot tears streaming down her face. They remained like that for few minutes till Liyana felt a little better. The tears were all over the man's shirt. Lipstick and makeup smudges were visible clearly on his chest. Liyana looked up. She thought it was Derek but she realized how different the shirt is and also the cologne used by him. Liyana felt 

awkward and embarrassed. Suddenly the scent felt familiar. She moved back, out of his grip and looked at the face.

"What are you doing here?" She asked surprised.