My Little Secret

I gave Sam a hug for defending me and told him bye as I stepped out of the car and ran inside.

There was a note on the fridge about chores and I heard the TV in my parents room.

Dad is Home..

After I cleaned the entire house I noticed we had time to still join Sam and his family for dinner that he invited us to tonight.

I went up to my dad who was standing in the living room and waited patiently for him to stop talking on the phone.

Once he did before I even speak he spun around and slapped me harder then he ever did, I couldn't help scream out in pain.

"Shut up you pathetic piece of crap." He said as he pushed me to the floor.

"I just wanted to ask if we could go to Sam's house-." I started but this time I got punched in the nose.

I tried not to scream as I hold my nose now covered in blood.

"No we can't go, now go to your room and no dinner for this week." He said and walked into his bedroom.

I picked myself up and went into the bathroom to clean up the blood when I heard a frantic knock on the front door.

I grabbed a paper towel and held it against my nose before answering the door.

No one was there....

I checked to make sure, and I didn't see anyone.

Stupid kids, I thought.

I went to my room and laid down on my bed to stop the ringing in my ears and my eyes from blurring.

I didn't even realize I fell asleep until I heard banging on my door and my dad yelling that if I don't get up, he will break down the door and beat me.

Sure, scream it louder, I'm sure the neighbors would love to call the police at this time of morning.


I told him I was up and I was getting dressed.

I got dressed and went into the bathroom to put on make up to hide the bruise that forming on my nose.

Along with two more bruises I was given for "talking back" this morning.

I grabbed my stuff and put my hand on the door handle when my dad grabbed me and spun me to face him.

"Reminder, if you tell anyone what goes on here, I'll will find you and kill you," My dad growls.

I nodded then turned around but paused for a second.

" more make up btw, or people will see the bruises." I said softly, not looking him in the eyes.

I heard him growl and braced for the hit but instead he mumbled fine and gave me 20 dollars.

I quickly ran without thinking twice about it and realize I missed the bus.


I run as quickly as I can to school, just in time for the final bell, meaning I'm late Biology.

Just great..


I relax as I make it to my final period, until I'm reminded that Josh is apart of the group and I felt myself tense up again.

I sit down next to Sam who for an odd reason won't look at me.

"Hey Sam, I wanna say sorry for not-" He interrupts me.

"Just stop, I get it, you don't want to hang out with me after school anymore, its fine, lets just pretend I never asked you." He said then turned further away from me.

"But that's not it-."

"Then what is it Lily?! What could be so important of an excuse that you couldn't come to dinner? This would be what? the tenth time I asked you and you said sure but didn't show up and I'm sitting there in front of my parents like an idiot, hoping you'll show up but you don't, you never do. And you never will again." He said and left the classroom.

I felt tears start to form as everyone stared at me.

He doesn't know how much I wish I could tell him the truth.

How much I wish I could keep my promises and make it to dinner..

How I wish I could tell him to his face that not only is he my best friend, but also my crush..

The final bell ringed and Mrs. Stone walked in, followed by a few students

I laid my head down and closed my eyes til I heard some drop there backpack to the ground in front of me.

I sat up thinking it was Amy, but it was Josh.

"Hey, why do you look depressed idiot? so you and Sam had a fight, BIG DEAL!" He groaned and sat down.

I scowled at him

"Why do you care Josh? Why don't you just flirt with some cheerleaders and fuck their moms while you are at it?" I said, knowing I was hitting a little below the belt

But surprisingly Josh smiled and laughed.

"So smarty pants has some balls, I got to admit, even I'm impressed." He said, then hand me a paper with ideas about the story,

I looked at him shocked.

"What? can't jocks be smart too? or are you stealing all the thunder?" He said with a smile.

Like an actual nice and sincere smile.

I gaped at him like I saw a ghost.

"Bro, What's your problem man?" He said starting to scowl.

"You've never been nice to me once, so sorry if I'm just a little shocked by what you said and doing." I said.

He rolled his eyes then snatched his paper back.

"Don't get use to it, you are still a loser." He said

I smiled a little then frowned a little when Sam came back into class and sat as far away from me that he can.

"Stupid principle." He mumbled and started playing on his phone.

Amy soon came in and after Mrs. Stone's wonderful talk about time and being late, she came over to us, that's when I noticed her left cheek was really red.

I wasn't the only one to notice either, Josh stopped doodling on his paper and moved Amy's hair away from her face.

I almost backed up when his face harden and turn Amy's face towards him.

"Who did that to you?" Josh said in a hard and almost scary tone of voice.

I felt Sam tense and looked between me and Josh like something might happen.

Its good to know Sam will protect me, even if he's insanely mad at me.

"Just some girls, its fine." Amy said and yanked her face away.

But I saw it in her eyes, a look I know all too well.

She lied..