Beginning after an End

Chapter 1 – Beginning after an End

The sound of musical instruments filled the air. Creating a harmonious and calming melody. Under the soothing music, swayed the candlelight of a huge azure chandelier hanging at the center of the hall, their light caused the crystalline wall to shimmer and revealing a coffin underneath.

Suddenly, a deep gasping sound broke the harmony. With a loud creaking sound, the coffin's lid was pushed aside by a pair of jade-like hands.

"Where am I?" Jhin asked in confusion as he stared at the magnificent chandelier above. Suddenly, his ears twitched, "Eh? This sounds so familiar. Is this Mozart's Requiem? But it's slightly different though..."

Puzzled, Jhin touched his chest and muttered to himself, "What's going on? Didn't I die already?" The memory of his dying moments was still fresh in his mind. The terror of death, and his dozens of regrets.

He was a CEO of a billion-dollar company. A young man riddled with achievements and success. In fact, one of his proudest accomplishments was becoming the youngest billionaire in the entire world– a twenty-year-old prodigy. However, all of these were swallowed by the abyss. He lost everything, his company, his wealth, and worst… His precious parents who always supported him. All because of a betrayal.

'Sighs~ I wonder how's mother doing? If only I invested more time with my family instead of investing in the company and her.' Jhin sighed regretfully. The bitter taste of betrayal made him want to puke. He couldn't help but criticize the irony of life –Only realizing the truly important things when you no longer have it.

Putting his hands on the coffin's sides, Jhin decided to stand up. However, his back just left the floor when the entire room suddenly glowed purple. Instantly, a gigantic circle filled with runic inscriptions formed above him.

"Wha– what's going on?" Jhin shook in fright. He stared in bewilderment as a thick ray of black light shot out from the magic circle and enveloped his body. Then, he started floating into the air.

"Ahhh!" Jhin screamed. Veins popped out on his forehead and neck. He could feel hundreds of gaseous substances piercing his skin. Every time it enters, an overwhelming pain would assault his senses.

Jhin focused his gaze on the black mist. The more he looked at it, the more he realized that it was slightly familiar. Suddenly, a certain scene flashed inside his mind. "Eh? Could it be?"

He remembered, just before he completely lost consciousness, a parchment covered by ominous black miasma revealed itself to him. Then a voice spoke inside his head, asking him to sign the contract. He thought he was just hallucinating, as such he readily agreed.

'Did that contract bring me here?' Jhin asked in disbelief. He found it hard to imagine what had transpired. Even so, the excruciating pain all over his body proved that it was indeed the reality.

The light around him intensified!

His body flew higher until he arrived at the center of the magic circle.


The entire hall shook! Then, all the light, including the runes of the magic circle rushed towards him. Disappearing as it touches his body.

The coffin turned into a rune and was imprinted on his wrist.

"Huff! Huff!"

Jhin's deep and hurried breathing echoed in the room. In a half-kneeling position, he supported himself using his arms. Fortunately, when the light almost disappeared, his floating body landed on the ground. Thus, he escaped the fate of falling to the ground.

Gradually, his breathing stabilized, causing him to sigh in relief, "That was so painful."


Suddenly, Jhin caught a glimpse of something, he raised his hand and touched his face. "This…"

Underneath the crystalline floor reflected a man whose feature stunned Jhin. He wore a grey robe that perfectly matched with his masculine figure. He has a pair of ruby eyes, a pointed nose, elven-like ears, and two rows of pearly white teeth. However, these weren't the things that made Jhin stunned.

"This… Is this me? Did I get transmigrated into a paper race?" He murmured in disbelief. Instead of having the usual human skin, he on the other has skin akin to that of a literal white paper. As though he was a mummy wrapped in a single bandage. "What the hell is going on?"

[Ding! You have successfully integrated with the Devil King's Legacy.]

Legacy Name: Dominator of Chaos

Description: In exchange for power, you are tasked to dominate all beings in the world.

Prerequisite: Signing the Devil's Contract

[Devil's Contract]

Terms: An ability to design a system in exchange for: (1) Kill 1 million creatures within 2 years.

Punishment: Failure to complete the terms of the contract will results to instant death.

Special Notice: If the host could complete the mission within a year, he will be given the chance to return to his original world.

[Ding! Please fill up the System Creation Form]

System's Name:



Main Design:

Auxiliary Design 1:

Auxiliary Design 2:

Special Notice: You only have three hours to design the system.

[Ding! A quest has been generated.]

Quest name: Baptism of Blood

Description: Kill a total of 1000 creatures

Time Limit: 4 hours

Reward: Power Tutorial

Punishment: System created would be incomplete

Special Notice: This is a compulsory quest and if you still haven't completed the quest after three hours, the Devil King's Intent will possess your body.

Jhin watched in astonishment as a blue interface materialized in front of him. He read all the notifications repeatedly before finally accepting that he had indeed transmigrated.

Calming himself, Jhin closed his eyes, processing the information. When he opened it again, a vicious glint flashed deep inside them, "Unfaithful woman! Wait for my return!"

Without wasting time, Jhin started formulating a plan on how he should design the system. First, he needs to have a general idea about this world. And to do that, he must inspect the place.

Jhin started scanning his surroundings. He realized that aside from a single door, there was nothing else inside this huge hall. It was empty, the only source of light was the chandelier.

Standing up, Jhin started walking towards the door.