Forced Slave

Chapter 14 – Forced Slave

[Ding! Congratulations, you have successfully completed the quest 'Abduct the Cat', you received one infinity gourd as the reward.]

"Eh?" Jhin was in dazed. "System, what's an infinity gourd?"

[Infinity Gourd]

Description: An item that can store any liquid in the world.

"Hmm? That's all?"

After reading the description, Jhin felt that he was cheated. In exchange for losing the opportunity to obtain the mountains of gold and treasure chest, he received a guard with some gibberish function.

"Sigh~ I think that's just it." He completed the quest for the sake of evading the punishment after all. The importance of the system means everything to him now, he wouldn't exchange it for some treasures and what not. His survival depends entirely on the system. If by the chance, the system really shut down for three whole months, he was afraid that by the time it came back, he would be a dried-up corpse.

Add to the fact that he still has to unlock the two auxiliary design of the system. Just thinking about the auxiliary design made Jhin excited. Unfortunately, it requires an astronomical amount of ink drops.

"Any being that possesses intelligence… they are subjected to greed and incomprehensible emotions." The statue whispered. Its voice melancholic. "Trusting… the last thing I would do!"

Hearing those words, Jhin lifted his head and stared at the statue. A deep sorrow flashed inside his eyes. Those words, they resonated inside him. He opened his mouth and was about to speak when suddenly, a crystalline magic circle formed in front of him.

"Now, be my slave!" the statue said in a stern tone. Then a tearing sensation was felt inside Jhin's head.

"Ahh!" He screamed. The intense pain made him lost control over his thoughts itself.

Under the gaze of the black cat, a crescent moon rune materialized in front of Jhin. It started glowing before imprinting on Jhin's neck, directly next to his adam's apple.

[Warning! Warning! A forceful contract was invading the host's consciousness. Activating the system protection… Taking preliminary actions… Ding! Protection failed. Ding! The hosts' consciousness has been invaded. Warning! You have signed the slave contract.]

"Serve the cat well, and you might prosper. Try disrespecting her, and you'll feel the wrath of the contract!" the statue's voice echoed inside his head before he completely lost consciousness.

The cat looked at Jhin for a moment before closing its eyes again, resting on the ink soldier's shoulder.

Glistening chest and ornaments decorated the room. The bright chandelier gently cascaded its light, causing the mountains of gold to shimmer. Surprisingly, a silhouette could be seen lying atop it.

"Sighs~ I guess her method was right. I was just the unlucky victim." Jhin wearily looked at the cat sleeping on the nearby treasure chest. He tried criticizing the statue's actions however, the more he reflected on it, the more he felt that its action were just right. It was similar to his conduct, to prevent betrayal.

What he was curious however was why the statue did such a thing. Was it just to protect the cat or was there something else, Jhin was unsure? Just thinking about it made his head dizzier. Even now, the splitting pain from the side-effects of having something invading his soul was still present.

"What a life." Jhin muttered. After he was forced to sign the slave contract, the system started acting per the slave contract's terms. Issuing warning every now and then.

"Hey system, do you have any way to sever this contract?" Jhin asked. He felt that it was plausible. Before he lost consciousness, he witnessed the system's act of resistance. Perhaps it is possible.

[Ding! Scanning the slave contract… Ding! The system has found two solutions. Do you wish to see them?]

"WOAH!" Jhin exclaimed loudly. The system's reply surprised him. To think that it has two solutions. "I want to see them!"

Jhin intently stared at the interface in front. However, instead of giving him the answer, the system instead…

[Ding! The host had angered the cat for being noisy… a punishment has been issued.]

Instantly, Jhin felt his body turning numb while his mouth and fingers hardened. "AH! Damn it!"

[Ding! Information is too high level; the host must reach Tier 2 to learn the information]

Jhin convulsed on the ground, speechless as he stared at the sleeping cat and the system. 'How could my life be like this?'

After countless twists and turns… To think that he would end up as a slave of a cat. Worst, it only took a moment for the cat to bestow a punishment whenever she felt like doing so.

Alas! He couldn't resist. The slave contract made him unable to do anything to the master. In the end, Jhin could only bow his head and follow the cat's desire.

The only good thing was that the cat loves sleeping. She doesn't go order around like other masters. Even so, the fact that he became a slave left a bitter taste on Jhin's mouth.

Jhin summon an ink soldier and willed it to carry him. He started looking around the room.

The floor up to the ceiling were lavishly designed. The treasure chests were exquisitely made. Walking towards one, Jhin commanded the ink soldier to touch it.

[Do you want to open the chest?]

A notification appeared on the interface. With a nod, Jhin muttered yes.

Instantly, bright light shoots out from the chest. "Hmm? What are these?" he said as he sniffed a pill from the chest.

Judging from the smell and appearance, Jhin's merchant instinct was telling him that it is valuable.

[Ding! Discover a food pellet. Do you want to consume it?]

"Hmm? Food pellet huh?" Jhin commanded the ink soldier to put the pill inside his mouth and started chewing it. When the pellet mixed with his saliva, it instantly melted and Jhin felt a warm sensation flowing from his neck down to his stomach.

With a burp, Jhin felt revitalized. With eyes shining, Jhin hastened his steps and went to the other chests. He opened them one by one.

Each chest contains various items inside. Some had pills, potions, weapons, armors, and many more. Jhin was dazzled by the sight.

'If only it wasn't limited to three chests.' He sighed inside. After he woke up, he realized that he was covered by countless treasures. Greed appeared inside his eyes but alas! The system was so strict, the moment he thought of storing all the treasures, the system prompted him that he could only take at most three chests.

Jhin had checked all the chests inside the room. In the end, he finally chose three chests. All of which were instantly stored in the system's inventory.

After he stored them, he finally looked towards the cat and said, "Let's go out, shall we?"

In response, the cat opened its moon-like eyes and jumped towards the ink soldier's shoulder.