Inside the Valley

Chapter 110 - Inside the Valley

Fogs gushed out from the entrance of the valley. They were like smoke being spewed out from the mouth of a volcano.

"Are you sure this is the correct path?"

Jhin asked Lucy as he pointed at the entrance.

They hadn't entered yet but Jhin could already feel a suffocating air coming from the depths of the valley. With the fogs obscuring the vision, he couldn't help but shiver and overthink.

What if a massive snake was waiting for them inside? Wouldn't that mean that they were sending themselves to death?

And even if that wasn't the case, who knows if something dangerous was hidden inside the valley?

As the saying goes, the greatest fear is the fear of the unknown. Everything that wasn't within your control was frightening.

Jhin had the feeling that once they entered the valley, his life would no longer be in his hands.

"Are you doubting me?" Lucy shot him a glance. "I have passed this place a handful of times. How could I be mistaken?"