Natalie and Sasha had a Breakthrough?

Chapter 141 - Natalie and Sasha had a Breakthrough?

The morning sun started rising from the east. Its rise signaled the departure of the fog that shrouded the entire Ardens Continent for the entire night.

Morning rays escaped from the clouds and cascaded upon the barren plain.

Under its soft and gentle light, a group of people could be seen walking in the direction of a massive wall located 2-3 kilometers away from their position.

"We're almost there! Just another thirty minutes and we'll be able to rest!"

Beads of sweat perspired around their bodies as they gritted their teeth and held on.

These ladies were none other than the valerian soldiers who had walked the entire night just to arrive at this place.

Exhaustion was evident on their pretty faces. But they just gritted their teeth and continued walking. Their sheer willpower was taking them to their destination.