Turmoil I

"Huh?" The two were lost and stared at each other. A deafening silence engulfed the atmosphere, and their friends were waiting for them to start a conversation. Then, Izumi was the one who broke the chain first and started crying. "Why?" asked Izumi. His tone became lifeless and almost couldn't be heard. His grip on Satoshi's hand became stronger. "Why? Why are you breaking up with me? I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS FOOLED AND COULDN'T PROTECT YOU! SO WHY?!" Because of so much frustration, Izumi shouted at Satoshi and kneeled in front of him. "I could ask the same thing! IF THAT WAS YOUR REASON, THEN HOW ABOUT ME?! I WAS SO USELESS AND I'VE BEEN HAUNTED BY ALL THE ATROCITIES THAT I HAD DONE TO YOU! SO WHY ARE YOU THE ONE WHO'S LETTING ME GO?! THAT SHOULD BE ME!" said Satoshi as he also shouted and brought his frustration out. His tears were overflowing, and he couldn't stop sobbing. Unbeknownst to their knowledge, Mayumi arrived at the exact time Izumi kneeled and overheard their conversation.

"What?!" said Mayumi as she covered her mouth because of what Satoshi said. Izumi and Satoshi suddenly looked at Mayumi. "What's going on? Are you two breaking up?" asked Mayumi as her voice trembled. The two nodded and avoided her eyes. Mayumi went silent as she was processing the decision they had made.

Meanwhile, Haruki could no longer contain his tears. He ran towards Mayumi and hugged her. "Let's go, Mayumi. Let them talk first," said Haruki as his tears were already overflowing. "What atrocities do you mean, Satoshi?" asked Mayumi once more. Satoshi was silent and couldn't answer Mayumi's question. "Was it Mitsuru? Are you in love with him? He just left without saying any word earlier!" said Mayumi as she also started to cry. "Yes," said Satoshi. His voice was full of guilt, and cannot face his friends properly. "HOW DARE YOU USE IZUMI!" yelled Mayumi as she slapped Satoshi's face. "You're as twisted as your twin. I should've known," said Mayumi as her face was filled with disgust.

"YES! I AM TWISTED AS MUCH AS SATORU! IT'S TRUE THAT I USED IZUMI, BUT I DIDN'T LOVE OR HAD ANY INTEREST WITH MITSURU!" refuted Satoshi as his sobs were getting stronger. "Let's talk about this matter, with or without Mitsuru, to settle this once and for all," said Izumi intimidatingly. "Settle this at your house then," said Megumi as she came out of hiding. "Megumi?! How long have you been there?" asked the startled Izumi. "It seems Satoshi-kun didn't tell me all of his stories. Am I right?" said Megumi as she feigned a smile at Satoshi. "Very well. The party's almost over. Let's do that," said Mayumi. "I'll be going first, and I'll be dealing with the other members to avoid suspicions. Come with me, Haruki," said Mayumi as she dragged Haruki down the stairs. "Okay, Okay! Let me go already!" said Haruki. "No can-do amigo," said Mayumi as she giggled.

After arriving back at the club room, the other members were surprised to see Izumi and Satoshi crying rather than Mayumi and Haruki holding hands. Murmurs enveloped the whole room. Some even had the guts to ask what was going on with the two.

"There is definitely going on between Shirogane-senpai and Iwamoto-senpai!"


"The two are seeing each other out? Disgusting."

"Will you please give us a second?!" pleaded Satoshi as he decided to act and gamble to save their image in front of their clubmates. "Nothing is going on between us with Shirogane! Shirogane and Fuchigami-san don't see each other out anymore either. They broke up not a long ago!" insisted Satoshi. Again, murmurs were heard, and Megumi was shocked by what Satoshi said," "WAIT! THAT'S NOT—" as Megumi was about to refute the statement, Izumi held her shoulder to stop her. "We should let him handle this. He is good at acting after all," whispered Izumi. Satoshi continued to explain.


"Well, we couldn't accept the fact that Haruki and Mayumi are already dating!" said Satoshi as he cried again. He gave a signal to Izumi, asking for help to support him. "T-That's right!" said Izumi as he was tormenting himself by thinking about earlier, only to produce authentic and believable tears. "Wait, what?!" exclaimed Haruki and Mayumi. "We couldn't believe that Haruki actually fell at Akabane's trap! We we're warning him since our high school days to avoid her, but he didn't listen to us," said Izumi as he hugged Satoshi while sobbing. Satoshi was startled and immediately backed up his 'lover's' statement. "Now, we are on the verge to lose one more friend! Kurosawa already left!" said Satoshi as he continued to cry.

Soon, Mayumi snapped and approached the two. "What the heck are you two trying to pertain to?!" said Mayumi as she gave punches in the heads of the two. "ITAI!" exclaimed the two.



Satoshi completely threw the club into confusion. "Heh, it's a success. I will let Mayumi handle this matter. It's in your hands now, Akabane Mayumi. Show them how will you handle this. After all, they all love gossips," though Satoshi cunningly. "Wait, WAIT! LET ME EXPLAIN!" said Mayumi as she waved her hand to refute the idea. "So, please would you mind getting quiet?" pleaded Mayumi as she sighed.

Then, one member approached Yuuji. "What was the commotion all about, Ishikawa-kun?" asked the member. "Uh, I also don't know, Ishii-san. Let's just listen," said Yuuji.

"Shirogane and Fuchigami-san have a complex relationship. Indeed, they broke up not a long time ago, but as you know, they were childhood friends and they're still comfortable with each other. Technically, both are single. On the other hand, Iwamoto got dumped by his 'girlfriend!'" said Mayumi. "Wait, I wasn't the one who was du—" as Satoshi was about to refute the idea, Mayumi continuously talked and explained. "And one more thing, Haruki and I—" Before Mayumi could continue what she will say, Haruki pulled her hand and wrapped his hand around her waist and then kissed her forehead. "—are officially dating," said Haruki with passion. As if there was a fire ignited in his eyes. And at the heat of the moment, Haruki caught all the attention and started talking.

"To sum it all, we are the only ones who are dating. The rest of our circles are single," said Haruki. A deafening silence dominated the atmosphere until Akihiko broke it. "Ugh, so cheesy, if you're done with the farewell party, better clean up," said Akihiko as he appeared behind Yuuji, cleaning his ear and yawning. "SENSEI!" exclaimed all.

"YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS SENSEI! WHY DON'T YOU GO FIND SOMEONE FOR YOU?" shouted everyone. "YOU DON'T HAVE TO RUB IN MY FACE THAT I AM SINGLE! GEEZ!" said Akihiko. "I'll be going ahead. Take care and enjoy your spring vacation," said Akihiko. After Akihiko left, everyone laughed before fixing their things.

It was already 11 PM when the group arrived at Izumi's House. Yuuji, Megumi, Haruki, Mayumi, Izumi, and Satoshi. Yuuji and Megumi are just about to unfold more of Satoshi's real story…

"Do you want tea, everyone?" asked Yuuji. "Don't ask, Yuuji. Come on, let's just make tea," said Megumi as she pulled Yuuji to the kitchen. The four went to the living room, and the severe tension between them arose once more. "Okay, it's time for us to clear these misunderstandings. State your side, Iwamoto. Why did you use Izumi like that?" asked Mayumi; she held tighter on Haruki's hand. The two in the kitchen went silent to listen to their conversation.

"I first met Izumi when we were in middle school. Just like I said, I took the identity of Satoru and attended different schools from the three," started Satoshi. Before continuing, Yuuji and Megumi served the tea for everyone. "And then?" asked Mayumi. "We were at the national competition for concert band, I saw him there, along with Haruki. I thought he was a girl. If she was indeed a girl, it would be the very first time I fell in love with a girl," said Satoshi as he sighed. "Is this all true, Ikkun?" asked Megumi as she looked at Izumi. "Yes, it is," said Izumi. "We met in person during high school when I was separated from Haru-chan and Mikkun," he further added.

"I already decided to attend the school where Izumi will attend but then, Satoru came back after graduation, crying and heartbroken. Since then, I vowed to take revenge on the person who caused Satoru his misery," said Satoshi. His monologue continued while the rest were listening.

"I was delighted when I got to sit behind Izumi. He was body was thin way back then. I have no clue that he was bisexual. I assumed that he was the type who doesn't interest in entering a romantic relationship. I befriended him and Haruki but was shocked to learn that he was friends with Mitsuru, the person I loathe the most. I noticed that Mitsuru was so clingy with Izumi, that's why I took a gamble," said Satoshi. "And that gamble was to make Izumi your boyfriend, am I wrong?" asked Mayumi. "We've been friends since high school, but I couldn't believe that you hid all of these things throughout the years. I wonder how your conscience is doing in that period?!" said Mayumi angrily. "Mayumi, stop—" Haruki tried to stop Mayumi, but she became emotional again. "How could I stop, Haruki?! You know the reason why I am so furious right now!" said Mayumi as he looks Satoshi with disgust. "Please, let us hear him first. I was already wrong about him," convinced Haruki. Upon hearing this, Satoshi began to cry again.

Meanwhile, Yuuji and Megumi were again stunned by their friends' revelations. The past, the bonds they shared even before entering their luminous and complex circle.

"When Izumi was attacked by his asthma, I did the most twisted thing ever. I lied to him," said Satoshi and cannot look directly at everyone's eyes. "You lied to me? How?" asked Izumi curiously. "The truth is, Mitsuru was the one who saved you. He bravely carried you and jumped on that fire to get you out of the building. He is also the one who administered rescue breathing," said Satoshi and began to wail. As his wailing continued, Izumi was dumbfounded upon what he discovered.

"He… What? Mitsuru did what?" questioned Izumi. "Why? Why would you do that, Satoshi?" asked Haruki as his tears also started to creep out. "I-I used that as an opportunity to make him mine! I also lied to Mitsuru. I told him that I was Satoru and had an accident that resulted in amnesia! I also told him that I lied to Izumi which in fact, I didn't! All stories I told to Izumi were the truth and all I ever did to Mitsuru was a lie! I also told him that he should kill me whenever my memory comes back. When I was trapped by Satoru, I am sure he really intended to leave and refused to help me there, upon discovering all the lies I had made!"

Satoshi could no longer contain his guilt and cried his heart out uncontrollably. "I AM SO SORRY FOR THE THINGS THAT I'VE DONE! I WAS TRYING TO BE SOMEONE AND KEPT IZUMI IN THE DARK FOR A LONG TIME!" Izumi was silent and stared continuously at nothingness while Haruki lost his patience and started to batter Satoshi.

"HOW DARE YOU! MAYUMI WAS RIGHT! YOU ARE JUST AS TWISTED AS YOUR TWIN! I WAS NEVER THE TYPE WHO GETS FURIOUS OVER TRIVIAL THINGS BUT YOU WENT TO HIGHER LENGTHS OF MAKING US A FOOL! HOW DARE YOU BREAK OUR BONDS APART! HOW DARE YOU! HOW COULD YOU?! ALL I EVER WANTED WAS TO KEEP US THREE FROM BEING SHATTERED! AND WHAT DID YOU DO?! YOU BROKE IT! MITSURU PROBABLY HEARD EVERYTHING AT THE CLUB THAT'S WHY HE WENT AHEAD! WHAT WOULD I DO IF HE WILL GROW DISTANT TO US EVEN MORE?!" Haruki went on a rampage and was unstoppable. Yuuji, Megumi, and Mayumi tried to stop him, but it was all useless. As a result, Satoshi's head and nose bled, he gained bruises in his body, and his wound, caused by Satoru, opened once again. As soon as Izumi smelled the scent of blood, he snapped and was horrified at what he was witnessing at that moment.

Without hesitation, Izumi jumped up and received the final blow from Haruki to defend Satoshi. "MOVE ASIDE, IZUMI! I AM GOING TO KILL THAT SCUM!" said Haruki intimidatingly. "WHAT IF I WILL BE THE ONE TO DIE?! REGARDLESS OF WHAT HE DID, HE IS STILL MY LOVER! WE HADN'T ANY PROPER CLOSURE YET! SO PLEASE STOP—" Before Izumi could continue what he would say, he suddenly fainted. Even after taking many beats, Satoshi stood up and caught Izumi from falling.