Chapter 14: New Beginnings

Samantha was rubbing her hands over her face again. Whether it was from tiredness or frustration, she didn’t know.

She sat on her bed as she stared off into the empty spaces of her bedroom interior. Cardboard boxes lined her floor from her bedroom all the way into the hallway and settled in the living room. Moving was never an easy thing to do. Much less when you had nowhere to go.

Samantha had decided a long time ago that she eventually wanted to move out of the apartment she had been in while still together with Richard. Everything in this apartment reminded her of him; it was like he had made a better home in her apartment than she had herself.

Sighing deeply as a headache began to form, she got out of the comfort and warmth of her bed and put on the bedroom light. She did not have time to wallow in the regrets of her past self—those things were meant to stay in the past.