Chapter 18: Old Demons

---------- That Night

Samantha walked into the bakery doors yet again with confusion lacing her mind. She could have sworn she had come home earlier that day and gotten straight into bed after a hot shower.

Yet the place before her seemed so vivid and real she was sure she was back at the bakery. The familiar smell of the breads and pastries baking in the oven, the mint and lavender flowers the part-timer used to decorate the cakes, and even the smell of the floor cleaner in the kitchen all enveloped her senses.

But when she pushed passed the heavy swinging green doors to the kitchen and walked in, she did not find the part-timer with an apron on, whisking away—but Richard.

He stood tall and firm, as handsome and daring as she remembered. His usual black silk shirt and fitting trousers were covered by an apron—which, in turn, was covered at the waist in flour and a small dash of liquid.