Chapter 26: A Growing Uneasiness

---------- At the Women’s Shelter

Holly was pacing.

She paced when she was nervous. And, these days, she was always nervous—which meant a lot of pacing. She held her hand to her heavy beating heart and willed it to calm down, but it was hard to settle the adrenaline that came with the fight-or-flight feeling she often got when it came to Mark.

Mark. The man behind her rapidly beating heart and unsteady thoughts—she was meant to call him today. They had made plans to meet up for coffee and talk about their situation. However, her visit to Samantha’s apartment earlier in the week had her greatly rethinking that decision.

Holly found herself feeling extremely thankful that she had talked to Samantha about having met up with Mark and the things they had discussed. She knew that, if she had not told Samantha and heard her opinion about the situation, she would just end up back where she started.

And she did not want that.