0009##Chapter 9

##The duo arrived at the venue. At one glance, they saw Johnson carrying a gift box. He was pacing back and forth and looking anxious.

"Father." Emma walked over to him.

"Why are you guys here?" Johnson was caught by surprise.

Emma pointed at Janice, and said, "She asked her friends to get us two passes. So, we are here to have a look."

"She's able to get the passes?"

Janice smiled as he said, "A comrade of mine when I was still a soldier on the west coast is a good friend of the organizer of this ceremony. Therefore, he got me two passes through internal channels."

Johnson nodded and said, "So that's how it is."

Emma asked, "Father, why are you wandering around here?"

Johnson frowned deeply, and said, "It's all about the gift. I've bought the Rhapsody beer. But, the problem is that I don't really have the guts to give them out. Did you know that the beer costs three dollars and sixty cents per bottle only? Is it truly appropriate to give such low-quality beer?"

Janice said, "As long as that person in charge is a good leader who shares life and death with his soldiers, he is certainly in favor of this type of beer."


At that moment, several middle-aged men with potbellies came over. The man who took the lead was bald, and with a pair of spectacles.

"Yo, Johnson, what a coincidence to see you here!"

"Oh, it's you, Mike!" Johnson faced Emma and Janice, and said, "He's my colleague, Michael Elon from the marketing department."

Emma immediately greeted him.

However, the so-called Uncle Mike was actually Johnson's nemesis. On the surface, the two of them were on good terms with each other. In fact, they had been at daggers drawn every now and then.

They competed with each other in everything. This time, they vied for the same position discreetly.

It could be said that the person who performed better during the succession ceremony would most likely be able to suppress the other and occupy the position as the deputy director.

Johnson had mentioned Michael more than once at home. Most of the time, he had nothing good to say about him. Therefore, Emma was also not fond of him.

"Good day, Uncle Mike," Emma said coldly.

"Eh, Emma, good day to you too! It's been a while, and you've grown up within a blink of an eye."

Michael stared at Emma lecherously. He gulped, looking very lewd.

Emma did not feel comfortable. She took a step back, making way for Janice to stand in front of her.

"Who is this?" Michael pointed at Janice and asked.

"He's my daughter-in-law, Janice Wilson," Johnson answered.

Michael was delighted, and said, "Oh, so she's the loser whose father has disappeared, the younger brother has committed suicide, and ended up relying on her family-in-law to survive out of wits. I've heard a lot about you."

Johnson and Emma's faces turned black at the same time.

Michael did not bother about Janice's feelings, and continued, "Johnson, I wonder how could you stand to have this kind of person in your house for nothing? If I were you, I would have long since kicked her out of the house, and let my daughter divorce her. To put it bluntly, even an old man like me would be a better son-in-law than a loser like him."

"Mike!" Johnson shouted loudly.

Michael shook his hand and said, "Tsk, tsk, tsk! I'm just cracking a joke with you. Haha! There's no need to take my words to your heart. I still need to handle some business, so I'll make a move first."

Michael purposely walked past Janice. He provocatively cast a glance at him, then he turned to look at Emma who was behind him. He could not help but lick his lips.

The hint of a lewd smirk from his eyes was disgusting.

Michael's followers behind him also left.

After they left, Emma stomped fiercely, "Scum! Trash!"

Johnson's face turned dark. Of course, he was also very angry. However, he was helpless.

Despite Michael's words being abominable and unpleasant to the ears, he must admit that there was a certain truth in it.

If Johnson were someone else, the person would have let his daughter divorce Janice and kicked that loser out of the house. Johnson even wondered if he had been too kind-hearted.

Johnson intentionally or otherwise shot a glance at Janice. He snorted. Then, he turned his head around and left.

Little did anyone notice, at that moment, Janice was already watching Michael's silhouette with killing intent.

Although he enjoyed watching a joker's show, she hated anyone who bullied his wife.

Janice could put up with anything. However, Emma's case was the only exception.

Emma Hill was Janice's only minefield.

The moment someone triggered her taboo, he would die for sure.

Janice silently took out his mobile phone. It was unknown to who or what he typed, but after some time, she kept his phone. Then, she acted as if nothing had happened and returned to Emma's side.

"The ceremony is about to start soon, let's find a seat," Janice said.


The duo sat down according to the number stated on the passes. When the curtain was gradually drawn, the host introduced the guest of honor for the succession ceremony in a formal manner.

Finally, the mysterious officer in charge was about to make an appearance.

While everyone's attention was gathered on him, a young man with a sturdy physique, and an imposing aura about him walked out. When he spoke, his voice was deep and resonant, with an air of authority.

At that instant, many girls on the spot were attracted to him.

"He really lives up to the reputation as the highest level of the commander of the west coast. He's truly as handsome as a heavenly god."

"If I were to be married to a man like him, I would wake up smiling every night. Moreover, I would want it every night too."

"You guys are indeed shameless! Do you think a man like him would ever lay his eyes on you all?"

In the midst of all the discussion, the young man spoke up.

"A very good afternoon to ladies and gentlemen. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Samson Wood, the officer in charge of the succession ceremony.

"First of all, I would like to offer my apology to everyone. Actually, I'm not the chief officer in charge of the merging of the three districts. I'm just a subordinate of him."

At that moment, the crowd cried in surprise.

'Even his subordinate could be that extraordinary, wouldn't the officer in charge himself be even more remarkable?'

Samson continued, "The chief officer in charge prefers to stay humble. He dislikes such ceremonies. Therefore, I'm his proxy for this succession ceremony. Next, the official ceremony pronouncement begins."

When Samson was delivering his speech on the stage, tongues were wagging under the stage.

"No way, does that mean the chief officer in charge doesn't intend to show up?"

"That's too much of a show, right?"

"Shhh… Keep your voice down. Do you still want to stay alive?! Didn't you hear Samson mention that the officer in charge dislikes ostentation and prefers to stay humble?"

"Sigh… That's a little disappointing. I wonder what the officer in charge looks like."

Amidst everyone's chattering, Emma brought herself closer to Janice, and whispered in his ear, "You've been a soldier at the west coast for five years, could you guess who could be the officer in charge? What does she look like?"

Janice shifted his gaze, and said, "Well, it's hard to say. Just look at me, most of the soldiers are about the same as me."

"How could you compare yourself with the chief officer in charge?"

"What if I'm the chief officer in charge?"

Emma rolled her eyes at him, and said, "I'm not dwelling on this with you anymore. You're not taking it seriously."

Janice looked at Emma with a smile. Just then, she found that her wife, who was a stranger to her, was actually quite adorable and beautiful too.