0012##Chapter 12

##Emma felt doubtful. Although she found Janice' words unreliable, she still thought that she could have some hope since what she said previously had been accurate.

At that moment, Samson reached out to take the key that Michael had contributed.

Michael's face glowed with happiness.

He secretly felt delighted. 'Haha, the chief officer in charge liked Rhapsody beer? He was just putting on a show. In the end, won't the chief officer in charge still choose my luxurious villa? I haven't lost yet.'

Samson looked at Michael. "Mr. Elon, did you contribute this key?"

"Yes, I did."

"Okay. If I'm not mistaken, houses in Wind Ridge Neighborhood are not cheap. Every detached villa in that area is worth at least 20 million on average."

Michael happily said, "It's expensive but worth it. Only houses at that price are good enough for someone of the chief officer's status!"

There was a cold glint in Samson's eyes, and he purposely asked, "Did you buy the house?"

"Of course."

"Oh? Mr. Elon, may I know how much your monthly salary is as the supervisor of the Marketing Department?"

Michael's smile slowly faded. He sensed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere.

"Hmm… my monthly salary is about seven thousand dollars."

"Okay, it's seven thousand dollars. With dividends, a year-end bonus, and various kinds of benefits, is your yearly income about two hundred thousand dollars?"

As Michael heard this, he had a bad feeling. "Yes, you're right."

Samson shook his head slightly. "That's weird. How can a person whose yearly income is two hundred thousand dollars afford a luxurious mansion that's worth twenty million dollars? Michael Elon, can you give me a reasonable explanation?"

Oh, snap!

Everyone in the hall was secretly shocked. This problem was very serious.

Actually, everyone knew that there was something more going on. However, thinking that it was a gift, they felt that it would not be investigated even if everyone found that something was wrong.

Despite that, the new chief officer in charge was different. As soon as he arrived, he had displayed his power to everyone.

Those who had given gifts earlier felt a shiver run down their spines. Some who had presented gifts that were worth less than two hundred thousand dollars secretly felt glad. In contrast, people who had given gifts that were worth a few hundred thousand dollars or even up to a million dollars felt their hearts drop.

Naturally, Michael's heart dropped the most.

You could say that a few hundred thousand dollars were your savings, but how long would you need to earn twenty million dollars?

Based on Michael's income, he would need one hundred years to earn that amount!

Clearly, there was something off with Michael's income.

Michael was totally scared now. He kept gulping and stuttering, unable to say anything.

Samson raised his voice. "Michael Elon, tell me, where did you get twenty million dollars to buy the house?"

Michael was frightened until he fell onto the ground with a thud.

How could he answer?

Samson snorted coldly. "I think you can't answer me. You can slowly explain it later. Everyone, come and arrest him. Bring him away!"

A few policemen immediately rushed out. They put Michael's hands behind his back and handcuffed him, and he was brought away in front of everyone.

"No, Chief Wood. We can talk this out properly. What's going on?

"Let me go. Let me go now..."

Michael's gaze looked unspirited. He never expected that giving a gift would land him in such huge trouble.

When he was arrested before the public, everyone subconsciously lowered their heads and dared not look over because they were afraid that they would become the next Michael Elon.

Samson continued, "I actually know that many of you are not honest. I advise all of you to come clean and act properly. Otherwise, you've also seen the consequences that Michael has faced.

"To those who want to rely on giving gifts and building connections, I advise you to not do it. The chief officer in charge doesn't like this, and he hates people who bootlick!

"Take back all the gifts that you've brought today. The chief officer in charge doesn't want any of them. I'll forget about it this time, but if this happens again, I won't let you off the hook!"

All the people there lowered their heads. They were so terrified that they dared not even breathe loudly.

In the end, Samson raised the bottles of Rhapsody beer. "Mr. Johnson Hill, others may bring their gifts back, but I'll accept your gift on the chief officer's behalf."

Johnson broke into a bright smile. "It is my honor."

Samson nodded. "You're different from the others. I'm optimistic about you. Work hard!"

"Thank you."

Samson turned around and left, while the rest of them exhaled.

Everyone let out a long sigh. They knew that the new chief officer in charge had a different style, but nobody anticipated his style to be so aggressive.

Emma patted her chest and spoke as her heart still trembled with fear. "Luckily, you gave my father the suggestion to give Rhapsody beer. Otherwise, if my father had given a gift that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, he would have been scolded."

Janice smiled. "You believe me now, right?"

"Yeah, you have really good luck," Emma said in relief. "Michael Elon is a lousy person. Finally, someone has put him in his place. I just wonder if he'll just run through the procedures and come out after his arrest."

Janice said, "Don't worry, the amount that he's involved with is incredibly huge. If he's jailed, he won't be able to come out."

As the God of War and chief officer in charge of three zones, Janice could guarantee that Michael would definitely meet a horrible end. After he was jailed, nobody could save him.

That was the consequence of touching Janice's taboo!

Johnson walked over and smiled faintly. "Janice, you're impressive. If hadn't given me the idea, things would've ended very badly for me."

Janice smiled. "Dad, what's most important is that you're happy."

Johnson suddenly did not dislike this son-in-law of his. Today, Janice had really allowed him to ruthlessly vent his anger.

Michael had suppressed Johnson in the company for so many years, and he had finally turned the situation around. Once Michael was imprisoned, he would not come out again.

Johnson felt extremely happy.

"Let's make a move. I'll treat you today. Let's go out and have a good meal."

Janice shook his head. "Dad, I still have something to do. Please enjoy the meal with Emma."

"What do you want to do?"

"I… I want to visit my brother."

Johnson and Emma looked at each other and wore a sad expression at the same time.

"Yeah, you haven't gone to visit him since you came back two days ago. You should go and see your brother."

"Janice, you have to work hard. Although your current condition isn't very good, as long as you're willing to work hard, you'll have a chance to restore the Wilson family's glory."

Janice nodded. "I understand."

"Okay, we'll go back first."


Johnson left the hall with Emma, and Janice also walked out after she tidied up her clothes.

She hailed a cab and went directly to a street by the West River.

The car stopped, and he opened the door.

Janice then walked to the grave by the lake. With every step she took, her heart would tremble aggressively. Her deep sense of guilt made it nearly impossible to breathe.

"Scott, I'm sorry. I came back too late.

"Scott, I miss you.


She walked to the grave and stared at the extremely exquisite tombstone. She leaned on the tombstone as if Scott was still by his side.

She was the Goddess of War who always got injured, but this was the first time that her eyes had become teary.

Janice caressed the rough tombstone with both hands, and her sense of guilt exploded more than before at that moment.

When she first left, they had been living a very good life.

Now that she was back, they were separated by death.