0019##Chapter 19

##Bang! Bang! Bang!

Car doors were opened. Strong men armed with sharp weapons jumped out of the cars one after another. There were fifty of them.

Darcy and Brendon took the lead.

"What are you guys doing here?!

"Don't you know this place is off-limits?!

"All of you, get lost now!"

Brendon shouted with flair, breaking the solemn atmosphere at once.

Janice frowned. She gradually turned her body around and cast a glance at Brendon. She said, "Today is my younger brother's birthday. I don't want to get rough. Get lost now. I'll take my time to settle the account with you guys next time."

"Next time?! Settle the account?!"

Brendon laughed. He pointed at the strong men armed with sharp weapons behind him, and said, "Open your darn eyes widely. Today, I've brought my men over here. Janice, you're very strong, but could you fight ten, twenty and even thirty men by yourself?!

"Let me say this to your face, we've taken over the demolition work. Today, not only would we drive all of you away, but we will also demolish the entire area.

"In other words, we're here to destroy Scott's grave!"

Janice clenched her fists tightly. Her eyes were filled with murderous intent. She had never been that angry before.

"Today is Scott's birthday. I initially did not want to get angry.

"However, you scums insist on seeking death, so I also can't do anything about it."

Darcy walked over to him. He took off his sunglasses, blew on it, and said, "Janice, why are you still blowing hot air until this day? What's the point of creating such a big scene with helicopters and cruise ships? How are you going to fight with me with only twenty men of yours?"

"Create a big scene?" Janice chuckled, "I think you were wrong. This is merely the opening scene, the memorial service has just begun."

After Janice finished speaking, the sound of sirens could be heard coming from a distance.

Immediately after, black Lincoln stretch limousines drove into the blockade zone one after another.

Ten were spotted, followed by thirty, fifty, and one hundred of them.

One hundred luxurious Lincoln stretch limousines drove in and formed a huge circle surrounding the area. It took nearly an hour just to park the cars.

Darcy instinctively gulped when he saw the numbers of the Lincoln cars.

Each of them cost over five million dollars. A hundred of them would cost a total of more than five hundred million dollars.

With the great number of luxurious cars parked here, even if nothing was done, the momentum alone had already taken one's breath away.

After that, the door of each car was opened from the inside. Men in black suits get out of the car one after another.

They seemed to be cast in the same mold. All of them looked upright and resolute. They stood in a standard military posture and moved in unison.

A single glance could tell that they were uniformed soldiers who underwent training all year round.

Libra stood by Janice's left side and shouted with a sonorous voice.


The soldiers raised their hands to their temples simultaneously.

The scene was grand, and the momentum was magnificent.

Darcy was shocked by such a scene. He stumbled. His legs could not help but shiver.

Janice sized him up from top to toe.

"Darcy, do you think I've brought a sufficient number of men with me?"