0023##Chapter 23

##His beloved Second Young Master finally had an honorable end.

Ben walked to the grave, only to find those people who kneeled on the ground were employees from the Shalom Technology and led by none other than the chairman, Darcy Davis.

Ben was so excited that he simply wanted to do a dance.

"Serves you right, Darcy!

"God has done justice for the second young master!"

Janice walked over to him. He reached out to hold Ben and said "Uncle Ben, don't get too excited. Be careful of catching a cold."

Ben wiped his tears, and said, "Young Lady, you've done it splendidly! Not only does the second young master have an honorable end, but you also have these culprits who have contributed to his death kneeling down before his grave. Well done!

"Young Lady, I'm truly happy to see how successful you are!

"The Wilson family is filled with hope!"

Looking at Ben who was getting increasingly excited, Janice hurriedly asked his man to come over to look after him. Janice was afraid that anything might happen to him.

After all, Ben was just like a grandfather to Janice.

"Help Uncle Ben over to rest."


When Janice turned her head around, she noticed that Emma was watching her eccentrically.

She smiled gently and walked over to her.

"You must be wondering how I managed to do all this, right?"

Emma nodded.

Janice explained to her, "In fact, it's fairly simple. I've been involved in many hard-fought battles on the west coast throughout these years. There was once when we suffered a crushing defeat, and I put my life at stake to rescue a general. Now, that general is a prestigious big shot. He purposely lent his hand to hold a memorial service in order to express his gratitude for me. Therefore, he borrowed his men, cars, helicopters and the cruise ship to me. Everything was very well taken care of, that's why the plan went smoothly.

"So, that's how it is."

Only then did it dawn on Emma that all this was because Janice had saved a general when he was a soldier back then.

She was a little disappointed.

If only Janice was that general, if only all these were not borrowed from others, how good would it be, right?

Janice knew what Emma was thinking about when he noticed her slight disappointment.

Now was still not the right time yet.

Janice held Emma's hand, and said, "Don't be disappointed. I promise you that sooner or later, everything that you see now would be mine. They would truly be mine instead of others."


Janice held Emma's hand and walked over to the other side.

"Where are we going now?" Emma asked curiously.

Janice pointed at a place not far away, and said, "Basically, the memorial service is over. We're going to greet our family members now."

"Family members?"

"Yes. Harvard and Richard have long arrived."

"Grandpa and my brother?" Emma was puzzled, "Didn't they reject your invitation, and were not going to attend the memorial service? Why are they here, then?"

Janice explained to her, "They are not here for the memorial service. They are here to attend the live bidding."

"Live bidding? What is that?"

"A tender for construction plans after the demolition of the West River Coast. Emma, if you could earn the contract for this job, your status in the Hill family would be improved significantly."

"Me? That's impossible."

"With me around, it's possible."