0037##Chapter 37

##At that moment, a muscular and bald man with a tattoo of two dragons on his body and a height of 1.9 meters walked out from the crowd.

He smirked and said, "Why? Is there anyone who doesn't know me, Ballard, in Southland City?"

"What conflict do you have with Susan?" Janice asked.

"Conflict?" Ballard took out an account book. "This girl borrowed twenty thousand dollars from me last month. She said that she would pay me back today, but she asked us to wait for her at the university's east gate and ran away from the north gate. What do you think about that?"

Janice turned around, cast a glance at Susan in the car, and shook his head slightly.

"I'll help her return the twenty thousand dollars."

"Huh? What did you say?"

Ballard laughed out loud, and about twenty other bald men also laughed. They stared at Janice like she was stupid.

"Are you a freaking idiot? She borrowed twenty thousand dollars, but you just want to return twenty thousand dollars? Do you think our group is a charity organization? Even when you borrow money from the bank, it would be impossible for them to not ask for any interest, right?"

Janice nodded. "You're right."

Susan covered her face with her hands, and she was quite speechless. Could this Janice be timider?

Janice asked, "How much, including interest, does she need to pay back?"

Ballard stretched out five fingers.

"Fifty thousand dollars?" Thomas smiled bitterly. "Isn't the interest a little high?"

"Bah!" Ballard scolded him. "Fifty thousand dollars? It's five hundred thousand dollars!"

Janice was not angry. Instead, he chuckled in amusement. "Five hundred thousand dollars? Why are your interests so high? Is that any different from robbing us?"

"Hey, don't say that. Robbing is illegal, but we are good citizens. We don't commit any crime."

Janice found it hilarious. This group of people was really interesting.

That aside, she understood why Susan wanted to sneak out.

This group of people was asking for such a huge amount of money. It seemed that they would be beaten if they did not provide any money. Besides, Susan would not be able to pay the men back if she had borrowed money from them. She was in a rut.

For a weak girl like her, there was no other way aside from running.

Janice shook his head. "You're asking for such a big amount of money. We might not be able to afford it."

Ballard did not get angry, but he chuckled and said, "It's all right if you can't afford it. You can choose to not pay it back."

He looked at Susan with a lascivious gaze.

"Susie's the beauty queen of the University of Foreign Studies, and she looks gorgeous. If she's willing to be my girlfriend and play with me, I'll nullify the five-hundred-thousand-dollar debt."

Janice nodded. "Yeah, that suggestion isn't so bad."

She leaned on the window and said to Susan, "You heard him. If you become Ballard's girlfriend, you don't have to return the five hundred thousand dollars."

Susan became so worked up that she nearly cried. "Janice Wilson, are you still my sister's partner? People say that my cousin married a lousy partner, and it seems like it's true. It's fine if you don't help me! But, you're even joining them in bullying me! You're such a jerk!

"Girlfriend? If you want, you can be your girlfriend. I'm not interested!"

Ballard was not pleased. "You don't want to be my girlfriend? Pay me back now!"

"Pay you back? I borrowed twenty thousand from you, but you want me to return five hundred thousand to you in a month. How can that be?"

Ballard smiled. "Today, you only have two choices. One, pay me back. Two, be my girlfriend. I'll give you ten seconds to think. If you still don't come out, I'll smash the car, take all of your clothes off, and bring you back. Don't blame me for not warning you first."

Susan felt distressed as well as angry, and her eyes became teary.

However, nobody could step up to protect and defend her at this time. Why was she so pitiful?

Janice smiled as she shook her head.

She yawned while he extended his hand to Ballard and said, "Um, before that, can you please pay me back the money that you owe me?"

Ballard appeared to be stunned. "What kind of silly thing are you saying? When did I borrow money from you?"

Janice pointed at Ballard's pocket. Ballard touched it and found that there were one hundred dollars in cash. He had no idea when Janice had put the money in his pocket.

Janice chuckled and said, "I lent you one hundred dollars just now. According to my interest rate, it's one million per second. You borrowed it from me for one minute and thirty-two seconds, so you have to return ninety-two million dollars. Do you want to pay by credit card or cash?"