0039##Chapter 39

##Janice reached out to her. "Have you borrowed money from any other people besides Ballard?"

"Yeah, I have."

"Pass me your phone and tell me all the people whom you've borrowed money from."


Janice took her phone, jotted down the names, and sent them to Samson. Then, she passed the phone back to Susan.

"From now on, you're no longer in debt."

"Huh? There are a few hundred thousand dollars in total. Have you paid all of it back?" Susan asked in shock.


Susan was completely stunned. This woman was so astonishing to her.

She had looked down on Janice and attacked her with the most wicked words earlier. Yet, she was not angry now, and she had even helped her to pay back all her debts.

She had repaid her outrage with goodwill.

Susan did not know how she should repay his kindness.

"Why are you so good to me?"

"Because you're Emma's cousin."

Janice stepped on the accelerator, started the car, and left. Behind them, Ballard and his gang respectfully took a bow.

"Goodbye, Boss!"

Susan looked over through the back window and burst out laughing.

"These people are usually very fierce and ruthless. They always bully kind people. Many students have been tortured by them, but they were unexpectedly defeated by you. Hey, Janice, why are you so good at fighting?"

"I was in the army for a few years. These people are just a piece of cake."

Janice turned around a corner before he reminded her, "But, it'll be enough for just the both of us to know about what happened today. Please don't let others know about it."


"No reason. You also don't wish for people to know about your 'honorable' incident of owing money everywhere and being chased by the gangsters, right?"

Susan stuck her tongue out at Janice. "Hmph! I know!"


When they went back home, Emma had already woken up. The moment she saw her cousin arrive, she happily went over and hugged her.

Both of them had been playmates when they were little, so they had an extremely close relationship.

As they talked, Susan suddenly gently pinched Emma. "Emma, it's so great for you to be married to such a good partner."

When she said that, she felt a little jealous.

Emma was momentarily stunned. "Umm, are you talking about Janice?"

"Yes! He was amazing today! He…" Janice glared at Susan, so she quickly kept her mouth shut.

Right then, Johnson and Felicia walked over.

"Uncle! Auntie!"

"Hey, you're here, Susie! Come on, I prepared a lot of dishes today to welcome you."

"Thank you, Auntie."

While they were eating, Johnson said to Janice, "You eat later. Go and mop the floor in the kitchen."


Janice did not fight back and directly walked to the kitchen. Emma saw the situation unfold and felt sorry for her.

Susan felt more curious, and she asked, "Uncle, why don't you let Janice eat together with us?"

Richard scoffed. "Eat together? In his dreams! She wanders around every day, and he's so poor and uncultured. I feel angry whenever I see her. How audacious would it be for her to want to eat with me!"

"Wander around? Poor and uncultured?"

Susan found it unbelievable. This sister-in-law was able to handle Ballard and his people in thirty seconds. Plus, Janice could even use a few text messages to help her pay back all her debts. Was Janice poor and uncultured?

Johnson said, "The more I see her, the angrier I feel. I'll get Emma to divorce him sooner or later!"

Emma's expression immediately darkened.

However, Susan smiled. "That's great! If Emma doesn't want Janice, just give Janice to me. I want her!" she jokingly said.


Janice was drinking water in the kitchen. When she heard that, she immediately spat the water out.