0041##Chapter 41

##Susan nodded.

"The medical expenses, surgery fee, and instrument fee are very expensive. If I don't care for him, he'll die in three days because of his sickness."

Janice felt warm inside. She did not expect Susan to be so kind.

Unlike her outward appearance, this girl, who dressed up attractively and even seemed like a gangster, was gentle as well as kind.

"I got it." Thomas started the engine. "Which hospital?"

"Third Southland General Hospital."

"Buckle your seatbelt."

Half an hour later, the car was parked in the hospital's parking lot. Janice and Susan then arrived at the ward.

Before they went inside, a middle-aged man who was dressed as a doctor called out to them.


"Dr. Payne?"

"Please come to my office."

Victor Payne was Mr. Redfern's attending physician. He had been responsible for Mr. Redfern's surgery, treatment, and medication.

After they entered the office, Victor invited Janice and Susan to sit down.

He looked slightly dispirited. "Susan, I have something to tell you. We've used up all Mr. Redfern's medication. If you want to keep him alive, we have to purchase new medication as soon as possible."

"Please purchase it as soon as possible."

"It's not that easy." Victor sighed. "The price of the new drug is three times more expensive than the original drug. Mr. Redfern's condition has worsened now, so the prescription also has to be increased. With that, the medication fee has increased by eight times. Besides, the rental for the hospital bed is expiring, so you have to renew it. The medical instrument also needs to be changed. Everything requires money!"

Money! It was all about money again!

Susan gritted her teeth. "How much does it cost?"

Victor took a list and passed it to Susan. "I've calculated everything for you. I even calculated it with the lowest price and the least dosage. The treatment fee is about fifteen thousand dollars per day, and it is four hundred and fifty thousand dollars a month."

Four hundred and fifty thousand dollars a month!

Susan's family was just in the middle class. They were not poor, but they were not so wealthy that they could take out four hundred and fifty thousand dollars every month.

Besides, she also dared not tell her family.

Due to her kindness, she had to pay such a huge amount of medical expenses for an old stranger. If Susan's parents knew about it, they would break her legs!

They definitely could not afford it.

Did she have to give up? Susan felt reluctant.

Right then, Victor sized Susan up with a wicked gaze.

He smirked while he touched her lips.

"If you want to save Mr. Redfern, I have a solution that can drastically reduce the medical fee."

Susan's eyes immediately lit up. "Say it now."

Victor chuckled. "The hospital has a welfare policy for internal staff. If internal staff use the drug, we can buy the drug at the original market price."

"Internal staff? But I'm not a staff member."

"You aren't, but I can help you. As long as you're willing to marry me and be my wife, won't you also be an internal staff once you're my woman?"