0051##Chapter 51

##Ballard forced a smile. "Boss, don't make fun of me. I'm just doing some small business, so I can't earn a lot."

Janice asked, "Tell me honestly, how much can you earn from collecting debt and being a loan shark every month?"

Ballard hesitated, but he was so frightened by Janice's gaze that she immediately spoke honestly. "I can earn about four hundred thousand dollars for debt collection every month. I use the money for loan sharks. If I'm lucky, I can earn one million dollars in a month. If I don't have luck, I can't earn a single cent."

Janice nodded. "So, you mean you can earn about one and a half million dollars every month?"

Ballard's face darkened as he spoke, "Actually, it's not that much. You can also see that about twenty buddies work under me. Besides, I have a few women, and they are so good at spending money. The income is not sufficient for me every month."

This was true.

Other than Ms. Floral, Ballard still had other women. All of them were not easily dealt with, and they were so good at spending money.

No matter how much Ballard had earned, the money could also be spent by this group of women.

Janice spoke, "Okay. From today onward, don't do these jobs anymore. I don't allow you to collect the debt, and you can't even work as a loan shark anymore. Do you understand?"

Ballard almost cried. "Boss, my beloved boss! You're taking away my source of income! If I don't do these, what else can I do? If you don't allow me to do this, are you planning to starve me?"

Janice cast a glance at him. "Don't worry, you won't die of starvation. From today onward, you bring all your people to work for me. I guarantee that you'll get at least ten times more than your monthly income now."

Ten times?

Was it fifteen million dollars?

Ballard gulped. "Um, Boss, let's make it clear first. I didn't do anything good in the past, but I don't commit crimes like killing people."

Janice smiled. "Do I look like that kind of person?"

"No, you definitely don't. Boss, you look like a noble lady."

"You're really great at flattering." Janice took out a piece of paper. "Leave your contact number, then you can leave. I will contact you at any time."

"Oh, okay."

Ballard immediately left his own phone number and email address before she grinned and asked, "Boss, is it true that my monthly income will be ten times more?"

"Don't worry. I won't forget you."

"I thank you first!"

Ballard smiled as he walked out of the restaurant, and he brought his people to leave.

Ben asked in puzzlement, "Young Lady, why do you want to take this group of people in? They are not good people. Will it be dangerous to keep them by your side?"

Janice indifferently said, "As long as we have the ability to suppress them, and we have sufficient profit, these people will surrender to you forever under the pressure of fear and temptation."

"But, they are really…"

Janice smiled as he said, "If I hire them, they will not work as debt collectors and loan sharks anymore. Isn't this a big contribution to you and society? Why don't I do it since it's a good thing?"

"Gah. Young Lady, since you say so, I have nothing to say anymore. But there's something that I don't understand. How are you going to increase their monthly income ten times higher?"

Janice drank some beer. "I need to use them to get back Shalom Technology for me. As long as I can take it back, I can afford them with Shalom Technology. It just cost fifteen million dollars. There is not much money."

Ben frowned. "Young Lady, it seems like you're setting up a big plan. But I have to remind you that Shalom Technology is highly valuable. Skyworld Enterprise will not easily let it off. Also, the market price of Shalom Technology is worth about three billion dollars. So, it's definitely not easy to get this massive company back."

Janice refilled a cup of beer. "If the thing goes so smoothly, it's very demotivating. I quite like to take challenges that have difficulty."