0061##Chapter 61

##Emma glanced at Janice and wondered what her dad was trying to do.

She heard Johnson deliberately lowering his voice and said, "Emma, Janice, come here and have a seat."

The two sat opposite of Johnson obediently.

Johnson kept taking deep breaths. Suddenly, he struck the coffee table and shouted, "You two good-for-nothings, what the heck did you do?!"

Emma was shocked. "Dad…"

"Shut up!" Johnson said fiercely, "I heard about it all. You went to discuss things with the Kennedy family, but you ended up beating eight of them bruised and bloody. Haha, you two sure are amazing and capable!

"Do you know that someone from the Kennedy family has already called me and gave me a good telling off? You two are an embarrassment!"

Emma looked down, not daring to speak.

Johnson heaved a deep breath. "And Thomas, I know you made a bet with Richard. You sure are brave. When did you become this capable? You can get investments in two days and have the Kennedy family apologize?

"Why don't you say that you can be the president in two days and move to heaven?"

Janice said calmly, "I have my reasons. Two days are enough for me…"

"Shut up! I don't want to listen to your nonsense!"

Johnson glared at Janice. "At first, I gave you half a year as I hoped that you could work hard and catch up to Emma. I was wrong in the end. Not only did you not catch up, but you also held her back.

"Because of you, Emma got a scolding from Richard. Because of you, the Hill family lost their funds. Because of you, I have to be scolded severely by someone from the Kennedy family at such an old age.

"Thomas, the Hill family has no more room for you!"

His words were so harsh that even Felicia could not stand them.

"Johnson, what are you saying? This is all because of…"

"I'm talking, and I don't need an opinion from a woman. Be quiet!" Johnson even scolded Felicia.

The house became quiet, and no one was talking anymore. The atmosphere was very depressing.

Johnson shook his head and said, "You two... go get divorced."


Emma was completely dumbfounded, and her heart started to beat fast. She never thought her dad would say that.

Johnson said, "You guys have seen what Janice did. If we let her do whatever she wants, the Hill family will collapse. Emma, both of you must go and get a divorce certificate tomorrow. In the future, the Hill family will not welcome her into our house!"

Tears instantly welled up in Emma's eyes, and she was heartbroken.

Felicia wanted to persuade Johnson, but she did not know what to say.

After a while, Janice still said calmly, "Dad, you have to give me a chance, right?"

"What chance?"

"You also know of my bet with Grandpa. You don't need to force me to divorce immediately. If things are not done in two days, I will naturally divorce Emma. You have to give me a chance and time to complete this bet, right?"

Johnson frowned and said sarcastically, "You haven't boasted enough? Okay, I'll give you a chance. Two days, right? I'm not in a hurry, so I'll wait.

"Janice, I want to see how you get investments and make the people from the Kennedy family come and apologize in two days.

"And now…"

Johnson pointed in the direction of the door and said coldly, "Now, the Hill family doesn't welcome you, so please leave."