0067##Chapter 67

##Janice moved to a chair and sat down. Then, she waited as if nothing was wrong.

Emma was anxious. In fact, according to the messenger's reply, the chairman of each company was not planning to come over. It was just like what Donald said.

She did not know where Janice's confidence came from. She firmly believed that the chairmen from the ten companies would come.

Emma secretly prayed. It was not necessary for all the chairmen to come as just one or two chairmen would be enough to resolve the crisis. 'I beg you guys. You guys must come.'

Every minute and second was a torment.

In the long wait, the time was up. There was still no one who came.

Richard laughed presumptuously. "Janice, your trick is up, right? Today, I'll let you…"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard an announcement from outside.

"The chairman of Alliance Enterprise, David Williams, is here to participate in the project investment conference."

When the sound reached them, everyone present was stunned. David's Alliance Enterprise was a big company that was among the top ten companies in the city. The fact that he could come to participate in the meeting was powerful enough.

Emma heaved a sigh of relief as someone finally came.

Richard looked at Janice curiously. He did not understand how he had invited the chairman of a big company like David.

However, things were far from over.

"The chairman of Evergreen Group, Anderson Clark, and his wife are here to participate in the project investment conference.

"The chairman and general manager of Pocky Entertainment are here to participate in the project investment conference together.

"The general manager of Sign Manufacturing Company's Southland district, Evan Smith, is here to participate in the project investment conference.

"The chairman of Graceful Global Alliance Company, Skye Sullivan, and his eldest son are here to participate in the project investment conference."

One after another, the famous names came in. Everyone represented the top big companies and enterprises in Southland City and even the whole country.

The size of each company was ten times that of the Hill family.

They were all on Janice's list without exception.

None of the representatives of the top ten companies were absent.

This undoubtedly made all the Hill family's members present embarrassed, especially Richard. The harsher he had mocked Janice just now, the more embarrassed he was right now.

The Hill family's members present were stunned as they watched these bigwigs enter the meeting room. Everyone was so surprised that they were speechless. They never dared to think that these bigwigs would come to the Hill family.

Even Donald was inferior in front of these bigwigs. Any one of them was not comparable with the Hill family.

Everyone, including Richard, stood up to welcome the arrival of these bigwigs.

Other people even gave up their seats to these bigwigs. These cadres of the Hill family, who were usually proud, were all keeping silent. They stood there obediently and dared not to move.

Harvard was completely dumbfounded. He went to Donald and asked in a low voice, "Donald, what is going on? Didn't you say that none of them will come? But why did all of them come? The people you sent out are indeed not reliable. Fire them after you go back."

Donald glared at him. He had nowhere to vent his anger.

He also wondered why these bigwigs had gone back on their words. They said that they were not coming, but why were they here now?

In fact, the people he sent out could only sound out half of the information. His people never found out that Thomas sent out people to persuade them.

As Donald looked at Janice's smiling eyes, he was as uncomfortable as eating a fly. He clenched his fists until they made sounds.

At first, he had wanted to humiliate Janice severely.

Now, not only did Donald fail to humiliate Janice, but Janice only showed off to him again. Donald hated him even more.