0069##Chapter 69

##Janice already got permission to stay, but he still deliberately asked Richard, "Richard, should I go out or stay?"

This made Richard angry.

David had already told him to stay, so what else could Richard say? Janice was purposely embarrassing Richard.

Richard gritted his teeth and said, "Harvard, you guys go out first. Janice, you stay here."

Janice shrugged and said to Donald, "You heard it too. It is not that I do not want to go out, but I do not have any other choice. Donald, you guys go outside and take a walk first. After I finish the conference, I will join you."

Donald's eyes were red. He stamped his foot, turned his head, and left.

When Donald came to the outside of the meeting room, he shouted at the bottom of the stairs. After that, he frantically hit the stair railing.

"Janice, you jerk! I will kill you one day!

"I am so angry! I am so angry!"

Harvard quickly came up to persuade him and said, "Donald, do not get angry. Janice can only be smug for a while. Believe me. She is doomed in ten minutes."

Donald frowned. "Why?"

Harvard said, "It is simple. Think carefully, Donald. Why did the bigwigs of these ten companies come? Janice did not invite them. They just received Emma's invitation letters and reluctantly came to show respect to the Hill family. It can be seen from their arrogant attitude that they did not take this conference and the Hill family seriously."

Donald was stunned. "Why are you happy when to see them not taking us seriously?"

"No…" Harvard scratched his head and said, "I mean that this group of people is purely here to show off their authority, and they have no plan to invest at all. In other words, this investment conference cannot get a penny. They come here just to go through the procedure. When the conference is over and there is no investment, don't we also have a reason to drive Janice away from the Hill family? When she loses her identity as the Hill family's daughter-in-law, you can kill her however you want."

Donald kept nodding as Harvard hit all the right notes.

In the meeting room, Richard came up with a set of words on the spot and barely broke the awkward situation.

The chairman of Evergreen Group, Anderson, interrupted him and said, "Stop fumbling about with all that pointless tongue-wagging, just get to the point. Our time is precious, so we do not have time to waste on you."

"Oh, okay," Richard said straightforwardly, "Everyone knows that the Hill family has received the Urban Construction Bureau's reconstruction project, but the Hill family does not have enough funds. We need everyone's help to complete the startup funds…"

David interrupted, "We know all of that, so cut the crap. Just say how much money you guys lack."

This direct?

Richard swallowed his saliva and thought about it for a long time. He did not know what amount he should say so that it would be appropriate.

If he said a small amount, he was afraid that it was not enough; if he said a large amount, he was afraid that he would scare off these bigwigs.

"Out with it, stop running the numbers in your head."

Richard nodded and said with a slight embarrassment, "Our company needs three hundred million dollars as the startup funds."

Three hundred million dollars was not a small amount.

The meeting room was silent.

Richard thought that the amount he said was too large, so he quickly said, ", the amount can still be discussed. The Hill family can…"

David said coldly, "Three hundred million dollars? The Hill family cannot even afford three hundred million dollars? A small family is indeed a small family."

He waved his hand. "This three hundred-million-dollar startup fund is on me. The conference can be dismissed."