0073##Chapter 73

##He smiled and said, "Actually, the culprit behind that incident was not my granddaughter Emma, but my good-for-nothing daughter-in-law, Janice. Mr. Kennedy, if you are really unsatisfied, I can expel Janice from the Hill family immediately. It's up to you on how you're going to deal with Janice, okay?"

Lambert ignored him and still asked, "I just asked if Emma is here?"

Richard no longer knew how to open his mouth.

At this time, among the crowd, Jade intentionally gave Emma a push. Emma stumbled forward two steps, and Lambert noticed her at once.

Lambert immediately pushed Richard away and walked towards Emma.

When she saw the other party charging at her menacingly, Emma was so frightened that she took two steps backward. She was a little nervous and turned to glance at Janice beside her. She realized that Janice was not intending to protect her at all by having her hands in her pockets, and his lips curled into a smile.

Emma was so angry that she wanted to kick her ass.

'When her wife is being targeted by his enemy, how could she still laugh? Is she still her partner?'

Jade and Harvard hid in the crowd and gloated. They had found Emma an eyesore to them all the while. It would be better to use somebody's hand to get rid of her. If they managed to get rid of Emma, they would get more shares in the company. No one would be able to compete with them in the future.

Lambert advanced a few steps and came to the front. Everyone thought that Lambert was going to be rough.


Lambert flicked his sleeves and dropped heavily down on his knees in front of Emma, throwing himself to the ground!

Immediately afterward, all the backbone members of the Kennedy family, without any exception, all knelt down and prostrated themselves to the ground, expressing their sincerest apology to Emma.

"This..." Emma was stunned at the scene, not understanding why this had happened.

Harvard and Jade were even more stunned. 'Pictures of Emma being struck violently as they finally got rid of her were fresh on their minds. Now, these people are kneeling and apologizing to her? This was completely different from what we had imagined.'

Lambert bowed to the ground three times. Then he raised his head, looked at Emma, and said sincerely, "Ms. Emma, I, Lambert, come here to apologize to you on behalf of my unfilial son, Javier."

"Two days ago, my unfilial son had unscrupulous intentions on you, and he invited you out with a bunch of indiscreet trash. They even thought of doing you ill."

"He is worse than an animal!"

"Now he is getting what he deserves. He deserves to be punished for what he has done to you. As a father, I should also be punished for failing to fulfill the corresponding responsibilities."

Lambert bowed his head heavily and said, "So, I've brought all the key members of the Kennedy family here to apologize to you. Ms. Emma, please punish us. No matter how you want to punish us, we will never complain!"

'No way...'

Emma was just a simple-minded girl. She had never come across such a request. She was stunned at the scene and had no idea how to respond.

At one side, Richard pinched his arm with his hand to make sure that he was not dreaming.

'What's wrong with this world now?'

'The Kennedy family was relatively powerful among the second-class families. The son of the head of the family was beaten and seriously injured. Instead of wanting revenge, he had visited them and taken the initiative to apologize.

'Moreover, he was willing to accept any punishment.

'No one would believe it if the news is spread out. Are the members of the Kennedy family nuts to do this kind of thing?

'However, all this was happening right in front of me. I can't help but believe it.'

Emma looked at Janice and said, "My goodness, what should I do now?"

Janice smiled, "Didn't he say that he is willing to accept any punishment? So, you can do whatever you want. You can vent your hatred for Javier."

Emma nodded, turned around, and said to Lambert, "Okay, then I will punish you..."