A New World, A New Beginning [II]

Qin Ruo intended to go for a walk in a few days, and there might be something he needed in the deep mountains.

After eating a little food, Qin Ruo returned to the room and began to meditate. At present, his body couldn't practice martial arts, and the power of self-preservation was his own mental power. So it was a bit of a recovery.

In one day, Qin Ruo's mental strength recovered a little bit. At this time, his phone rang, and the call was made by a girl named Jiang Lan.

Through memory, Qin Ruo knew that Jiang Lan was a hapless, but good friend. A friend who had a good relationship with him, and it looked like he still had some impressions of her in his mind. She was not the kind that was very beautiful, but quite ordinary and averagely pretty.

After hesitating, Qin Ruo answered the phone. "Hello."

"How are you, Qin Ruo? How's your injury? Is it very serious? Why didn't you answer the call yesterday?" Jiang Lan asked on the phone, her voice very urgent.

"It's okay, thank you." Qin Ruo replied.

He had a good impression of Jiang Lan, and he was lucky to have her. The Tang family was so powerful, Jiang Lan was still protecting Qin Ruo in the middle. Even if this Qin was not the other Qin Ruo, he could feel this friendship.

"Oh, come to school to continue class when your injury is better, don't delay your studies." Jiang Lan hung up the phone after speaking.

The school didn't make any sense to him anymore. After thinking about it, Qin Ruo felt that it was necessary to explain the situation to this hapless friend. After all, she was one of the fewer friends he had in the world. He would also feel more at ease with himself.

Although he didn't want to inexplicably accept the care of people he didn't have too much contact with which would make him owe them favours in the future. The most difficult part was paying back the owed favors. Who knew where he might be at that time. The favours would be hanging on his head like karma.

After tidying up, Qin Ruo walked towards Yenching Academy. He was a little bit unlucky about how he studied music in the Department of Music. His achievements were quite high and he had won many awards.

When he arrived at the school, the class was already in session. Qin Ruo hadn't seen Jiang Lan for a few days now, so he had no choice but to wait in front of Jiang Lan's classroom. While waiting, he felt that the atmosphere here was much different from the Profound Cloudy Sky Continent.

"Qin Ruo? How are you here now? Is your injury healed?" A woman with a short head and a ponytail came to Qin Ruo as he was thinking.

It's Jiang Lan.

"Jiang Lan, I don't plan to go to class anymore. I'm here today to tell you that." Qin Ruo said.

"Not going to class anymore? Why? Are you afraid they will bully you again?

Qin Ruo shook his head, he didn't want to explain more, "I have something to do at home, can we go now?"

Jiang Lan seemed to be able to understand Qin Ruo's situation. Looking at his current situation, maybe taking a break from school for a while is the best choice for him. "I think you should take a break first, and come back to class after a while."

Qin Ruo originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw the strong expectation in Jiang Lan's eyes, he knew he had to agree. He and his master looked forward to his alchemy breakthrough, and he seemed familiar with him. For a while, his firm thought of dropping out was a little shaken and he let out a long sigh. "Okay!"

Jiang Lan showed a little excitement on her face, but suddenly, her face changed and said: "Oh, not good. Tang Zhan came to school today. Since you are here in school now, he must know it by now. You should hurry up and take the back gate. Don't walk through the main gate and let them see you." Jiang Lan said

Qin Ruo remembered who Tang Zhan was. It was this guy who beat him fiercely four days ago. One of the punches hit his heart, which caused his predecessor, the original owner of the body, to die.

"You don't need to worry about that." Without any hesitation, Qin Ruo walked towards the gate.

"What are you doing, are you going to fight them?" Jiang Lan took Qin Ruo's arm and asked.

"Do you want me to run in the face of some minor difficulties? Maybe, it's good for them to beat me away." Qin Ruo smiled, and at the same time moved away Jiang Lan's hand.

"You bastard, why don't you know when to fight and when to run? When will you be sensible and not so arrogant?" Jiang Lan was a little angry with Qin Ruo.

Turning deaf ears to Jiang Lan, Qin Ruo continued to walk towards the school gate. If this became difficult eventually, then he would certainly run.

In Profound Sky Continent, he would not be a profound level cultivator, if he couldn't discern people's true intention and aim towards him. As for Jiang Lan, he knew she really regarded him as a friend.

"Song Jia is not for you. She has already joined Tang Zhan. You should not think about this girl as your fiancee anymore. Save yourself from the troubles. Can't you see that she wants you to make a fool of yourself. Isn't the humiliation you used to get enough?" Jiang Lan didn't want to say all these words but she had to if she wanted to persuade Qin Ruo.

"Save myself? She might not want me, but she can't humiliate me." Qin Ruo knew that the hapless one had a fiancee when he was in the Qin's mansion. It was Song Jia, the second young lady of Song's family. Although Jiang Lan's words were heavy on him, Qin Ruo didn't mind them at all.

While conversing back and fort, Qin Ruo and Jiang Lan came to the main school gate.

"Trash, I told you last time that if I see you in the future, I'll hit your face badly. And today, you really dare to show your face?" A man with a small beard on his chin, called out while looking at Qin Ruo. He was Tang Cho.

"For her, you'll humiliate me?" Qin Ruo asked in reply, pointing to a woman who was now coming out of the school hall.

"Haha! It seems that you are not too stupid. Since you know that this is all to humiliate you, quickly agree to the divorce between you and Song Jia, and I'll let you go today." Tang Zhan said with a big smile.

"I will decide whether to divorce or not, but not now. Certainly not because of you. Starting from today, no one can humiliate me again. I will do as I want, and there's nothing you can do about it." Qin Ruo's face did not change.

"It seems that the lesson I gave you the last time was not enough. I will teach you something you'll never forget today." Tang Zhan's expression changed, and his body moved. In an instant, he appeared in front of Qin Ruo and hit him in the face.