Minister Wan, Calm Down

Wan Qinghe hung up her daughter's call and then made the call. The Ministry of Public Security conducted a temporary inspection, with the key target being the property of the Qin family.

Wan Qinghe received a call from Qin Zhendong, "Minister Wan, what's the situation, many of our Qin family's properties have been sealed up?"

"Do you know that you have been blocked? If your Qin family dares to move against my daughter, I will dare to move against your Qin family. Take it!" Wan Qinghe roared.

Wan Qinghe had several sons, but only one daughter. Wan Dou had always been well-behaved, and was loved the most by Wan Qinghe. Could Qin Yu not be angry with Wan Dou now?

"Director Wan, is there any misunderstanding?" Qin Zhendong didn't understand why Wan Qinghe had blown up his hair.

Qin Zhendong sent his eldest son to investigate Qin Ruo's affairs. He really didn't understand how Wan Qinghe was provoked.

"Misunderstanding? Your son took someone to cut my daughter and want to become Wan Qinghe's son-in-law. Is this a misunderstanding? Your Qin family is strong and my Wan family is not bad. If you want to play, just keep playing." Wan Qinghe dropped the phone.

Qin Zhendong's expression was ugly. The main direction of this development of the Qin family and Wan family's forces was in the officialdom, but the police had always been under the control of the Wan family. Wan Qinghe was the minister of the Ministry of Public Security. Although the Qin family was not afraid, if this fight continued, it wouldl hurt both sides.

Enduring the anger, Qin Zhendong called Qin Yu, this question, he understood what was going on, "You pig brain? There are some things you can do, but not after you say it? You can't do it after you say it, so let's leave it at this point? "

"I didn't expect Qin Ruo to run away." Qin Yu's voice was a little quiet.

Qin Zhendong was furious, and the matter had yet to be resolved. Now the Wan family had moved. If the Qin family did not restrain it, it would be a big conflict. After thinking about it, he called Song Lihui.

Song Lihui was Qin Yu's uncle, the elder of the Song family, and the younger brother of Song Liming, the principal of the Song family.

After Song Lihui came, Qin Zhendong told him the cause of the incident. He wanted Song Lihui to go to Wan's house with him, so Wan Qinghe would have scruples. After all, the Qin's and Song's were two big families.

Song Lihui glanced at his nephew and nodded. At this point, he could only come forward and explain to Wan's family.

A while after, Qin Zhendong and Song Lihui came to Wan's house.

Wan Qinghe didn't even have tea to entertain the guests, and his face was gloomy and dripping.

"Minister Wan, it's Qin Yu's ignorance. He offended Wan Dou, but Qin Yu doesn't apologize?" Qin Zhendong said.

"Minister Wan, the younger generation has been obsessed for a while, please forgive, Minister Wan." Qin Yu said, leaning forward.

Snapping, Wan Qinghe drew his mouth directly.

Qin Zhendong's expression changed, and he wanted to move his body, but he was held back by Song Lihui.

Ignoring Qin Zhendong, Wan Qinghe looked at Qin Yu, "Just you want to touch my daughter? Tell you, if you dare to touch my daughter, you will pay the price. If you dare to mess around, I will pinch you to death."

"Minister Wan calmed down, the matter has already happened. You have already made your point clear, let it go! If you seize the Qin family's property, the matter will be big." Song Lihui said.

"It's not uncommon to unblock, I need a statement from the Qin family, a promise." Wan Qinghe knew that things were almost done, and things were really hard to control if the trouble went on.

"This time Qin Yu was ignorant and didn't consider the friendship of our six big families. This kind of thing will not happen in the future." Qin Zhendong said with a cold face, his son was beaten in front of him, and he was so happy in his heart.

Wan Qinghe glanced at Qin Zhendong, "Come on for tea." Then he called out, the temporary inspection was cancelled, and the Qin family's property was unblocked.

After leaving the Wan's house, Qin Zhendong kicked Qin Yu into a somersault, "Things that do not succeed and fail, this Wan Qinghe I am at odds with him."

"Brother-in-law, let this be the case! Conflict with the Wan family is not good for the political situation, and it is not good for the Qin family or the Wan family." Song Lihui said.

"I'm so angry. In the final analysis, I blame Qin Ruo, this little beast, who is still standing stupid? Continue to investigate, and you must find him no matter whether you live or die." Qin Zhendong glared at Qin Yu.


In Wan Dou's residence, Qin Ruo refined some healing pills, and refined some of the Zhenyuan Pills, Peiyuan Pills, and Purification Pills. He refined all the medicinal materials, mainly because the medicinal materials were too laborious.

After refining the pill, Qin Ruo re-treated the wound and changed into clean clothes.

"This Qin Yu must pay a price." Wan Dou was very angry.

At this time, Wan Dou's phone rang, and Wan Qinghe told his daughter about the Qin family's attitude, and vented his anger on her daughter. In addition, he also warned her daughter to be careful and try not to go into conflict directly with the Qin family.

"Wan Dou, I'm leaving, and I will contact you by phone later." Qin Ruo said after clearing things up.

"You can't go, you are all injured now. What are you going to do?" Wan Dou Zou Mei said.

"It's not very convenient. In addition, the Qin family will still find me. I know you are not afraid, but if you have less trouble, you will have less trouble." Qin Ruo smiled at Wan Dou and left Wan Dou's residence.