
Qin Ruo knew that impulse was not suitable for saving people, and if he wanted to fight, he had to save people.

The roof of the warehouse was made of colored steel tiles. Qin Ruo walked in the middle of the steel bar bracket to avoid any sound, and at the same time swept mentally. During this investigation, Qin Ruo discovered that Tang Feng and others were in the seventh warehouse.

Jiang Lan was hung in the middle of the warehouse, and all her clothes were stripped off. Only simple underwear was left, and her snow-white skin was exposed to the air. The hanging height was four or five meters away from the ground. Tang Feng and Tang Zhan were in the innermost seats of the warehouse with Tang Feng sitting in the middle.

Tang Zhan also sat on the chair, Song Jia sat on his lap, and the two were hugging each other.

"Brother Feng, do you think that Qin Ruo will come? Jiang Lan and him are just ordinary friends." Tang Zhan said.

"Come on, he is a dead end. If he doesn't come, I will use up this girl first, and I will reward it to my brothers. Since this girl is caught by us because of Qin Ruo, if he does not come, then his reputation will be ruined, and no one will dare to help him in the future." Tang Feng said with a smile.

Qin Ruo cursed inwardly, this Tang Feng's trick was quite ruthless. If he didn't come today, after Jiang Lan was harmed by this scum, Tang Feng would go to spread the whole thing, then he could be said to be ruined, and none of them will help him in the future. There would be no people, let alone friends.

Qin Ruo cautiously moved to the top of Jiang Lan's head, took out the silver dragon knife, took a breath and flicked his arm against the colored steel tile and chopped it down.

After cutting and spinning, Qin Ruo cut out a big hole for Caigang Tile, then bent over, holding the Jianglan rope with his left hand and lifting it upward.

The moment Qin Ruo lifted Jiang Lan up, Tang Feng's sword swept across Jiang Lan's feet. This was Qin Ruo's fast action, otherwise Jiang Lan would be cut in the middle.

"He is on the ceiling! Everyone speeds up! Hack him to death! Millions of rewards await." Tang Feng roared.

It was impossible to go on the ceiling inside the warehouse. The Tang family's thugs could only climb it from the outside. After Qin Ruo cut the rope, he carried Jiang Lan and jumped into the grass on the back of the warehouse.

"Qin Ruo, the others are going to kill you. You can't take me away, put me down." Jiang Lan, who was carried by Qin Ruo, said.

"Don't talk about it." Qin Ruo let out a low growl.

Before Tang Feng's people appeared, Qin Ruo ran out two hundred meters.

Go into the place where the weeds are relatively deep, put Jiang Lan down, cut off the rope in his hand, took off his coat and put on Jiang Lan, "You wait for me here."

Carrying the saber, Qin Ruo rushed back to the warehouse. He wanted to teach the Tang family a lesson, otherwise this kind of thing would happen again. When Qin Ruo was fifty meters away from the warehouse, he saw the Tang family who was searching for him.

At this time Qin Ruo was not polite, and under the cover of weeds, he fought the Tang family's thugs with the short sword in a silent battle. At this time, Qin Ruo didn't refrain his hands. Although these people had no direct hatred towards him, but when they became the thugs of the Tang family and wanted his own life, they became his enemies and he would fight against being killed.

After half a cup of tea, more than two dozen swordsmen were killed by Qin Ruo. There were not many people left, and Qin Ruo stood up and rushed towards the Tang family thugs who were very close to the warehouse.

These swordsmen were enough to deal with ordinary people, even those on the second and third levels of physical training, but Qin Ruo was now at the sixth level of physical training. Killing these people was simply too easy for him.

After cleaning up these people, Qin Ruo came to the warehouse.

"Have you found it?" Hearing the sound of footsteps, Tang Feng thought his men had returned.

"I found it, but I was looking for you." Qin Ruo carried the silver dragon knife and walked into the warehouse.

"Where are my people?" Tang Feng stood up. "What did you do?"

"What did I do? Last time you didn't have a long lesson, and if you did something to the people next to me, then you will have to pay the price." Qin Ruo pointed to Tang Feng with the silver dragon knife in his hand.

"You're looking for death!" Tang Feng stood up and charged towards Qin Ruo.

Brainless! This was Qin Ruo's current evaluation of Tang Feng. He had cleaned up so many thugs himself, and Tang Feng didn't even think about it.

After avoiding Tang Feng's serial knives, Qin Ruo kicked Tang Feng's leg off with one foot on Tang Feng's knee.

After knocking down Tang Feng, Qin Ruo's body turned, a swinging leg pushed away Song Jia and Tang Zhan stood up and kicked away.

"Qin Ruo, what are you going to do? Tang Feng and Tang Zhan are both children of the Tang family. You are looking for death by doing this." Song Jia pointed at Qin Ruo and shouted.

"Get out!" Qin Ruo hated Song Jia the most, but still restrained and didn't do anything to her.

"If you trouble me, I can tolerate it, but if you do something to the people around me, don't blame me. If I don't clean up today, others will do the same to me." Qin Ruo's silver dragon knife pointed at Tang Feng's neck Said.