Back To Jiangnan City

"Your car is not bad. You can even use it as a house on the road." Shangguan Qingfei said, looking at Qin Ruo who was driving.

"Yea, it's not bad. It was given to me by a friend." Qin Ruo said while driving.

"Such a good car, how could someone just give it to you?" Shangguan Qingfei asked in disbelief.

"Well, how about a friend, a good friend." Qin Ruo smiled happily.

Considering Shangguan Qingfei, Qin Ruo drove off the highway to a small town while the sun was disappearing behind the horizon. He was no longer alone that he could just sleep inside the car. He needed to find a place for them to rest for the night, and before long, they found a good motel.

Only if Shangguan Qing had an ID card would the hotel open two rooms for them.

"Miss, just open two rooms. It's only a matter of your effort." Concubine Shangguan Qing said. She glanced at Qin Ruo who had been staying in the car, and she was not very comfortable with that.