Exchanging Pills And Materials [IV]

"It's Elder Tan of the Tianxuan faction. Elder Tan is in good spirits and I believe he has come to participate in the trade fair." A white-haired old man greeted with a smile.

"Elder Zhu, it's good to see you're stationed he're at this time. I need a little help from you. This little friend wants to set up a stall here. So, I'm here to ask Elder Zhu to make it convenient. I guarantee the reliability of his resources." Tan Xiaoyue said his intention directly.

"Since Elder Tan said that, there is no problem at all, just find a place to set up a stall." Elder Zhu nodded.

"Then I will thank Elder Zhu." After a few polite words, Tan Xiaoyue took Qin Ruo out of the small building.

"I thank Elder Tan for the trouble." Qin Ruo bowed his head to Tan Xiaoyue.

"You're welcome, you can find a place to set up a stall at will." Tan Xiaoyue nodded slightly to Qin Ruo.

"I will do that, elder Tan. I'll go shopping first to see if other stalls have any good materials."