Once Upon A Time [I]

Lu Rui said: "Human life is given by God, and only God has the power to create man. If anyone wants to create man with the technology in his hand, he will definitely be punished by God." Lu Rui seemed a little excited. .

Qin Ruo said, "I'm sorry, Lu Rui, I should go. I think I said too much. I hope you don't take it to heart."

Lu Rui squinted at Qin Ruo and said, "Qin Ruo, did you see something? Or hear something?"

Qin Ruo said, "I'm sorry, I still have something to do. Can we talk about this topic later? Besides, Lu Rui." Qin Ruo looked at Lu Rui's eyes and said, "What I said has not been further confirmed. In this case, you'd better not talk nonsense with others."