Once Upon A Time [XXV]

"What is inside that door? If you go through that door, where will you be? These are all mysteries that can't be solved. …

"As for me, what I study is how to minimize the harmful effects of human body refining. In the end, to achieve the purpose of protecting human body refiners. And many alchemists who survived the human body refining experiments have mentioned a kind of Substance, that is - ps. This substance called ps is the field I study. Here, I can't write the full name of ps. Because this is another taboo in the alchemy world. I just call it ps-substance. The field my husband and I study is ps-substance. What kind of substance is it? Why can ps-substance increase the alchemist's alchemy ability by double digits ?Why can ps material break the principle of equivalent exchange in the field of alchemy? What means can we use to get this precious ps material?