Chapter 14: Goal in the Lower Realm. Prejudice Against Lord Gu

"My lord, although your plan of sowing discord is utterly flawless, there's actually still one matter that this old servant is unclear on."

After leaving the dungeons, Old Ming's figure reappeared from thin air with a hint of confusion.

Gu Changge has become even more terrifying and unknowable.

This is a good thing though.

After all, only by being strong could the lord truly take control over the clan and lead it to greatness.

However, he just didn't understand why, even though the young lord would keep from acting even though he obviously wanted kill that Ye Chen.

Given the young lord's current might at the Lordly realm, even in the greater world of the upper realm would only those inheritors of the greatest faction and lineages be able to compare to him.

In this Eastern Wilderness, it would take merely an errant strike to flatten a Ye Chen into paste.

So why bother acting so carefully to take everything from Ye Chen?

"Oh? What don't you understand?"

Gu Changge casually replied. He was in quite a good mood today.

Not only did he create a crack in Ye Chen's relationship with his master, he even managed to get a huge amount of Fate Points.

It sure is nice to harvest veggies.

It shouldn't be long until the day he actually crushed Ye Chen.

"This old servant truly doesn't understand why my lord doesn't just kill Ye Chen. Would it not have been far easier that way?"

Old Ming asked, confused. After all, he doesn't know about the influence and effect of the undetectable thing known as fortune.

Now did he know that Ye Chen was a Child of Fortune.

To put it bluntly, so long as Ye Chen's Fortune Value hasn't hit rock bottom, then Gu Changge could beat him all he liked, and Ye Chen would still rise up again at some point.

That was what was so terrifying about those chosen by fortune since ancient times.

Of course Gu Changge couldn't possibly explain such things to Old Ming.

Even if he did explain it, it's unlikely Old Ming would actually understand.

"Ye Chen will die, but not right now. I'm still waiting for him to keep delivering me fortuitous encounters."

Thus, Gu Changge switched to a different explanation with a smirk.

Truth be told, there's nothing really worth hiding from such a loyal old servant.

In the original's memories, the reason that he came down to the lower realm in the first place was for the sake of a terrible weapon that was about to be unearthed.

Eight Wilds Demonic Halberd.

It was supposed to be the weapon of the Eight Wilds Demon God of ancient times. It's killing aura was great and terrible. It's might, unlimited. It had nearly massacred the heavens itself.

Later on, for some reason, it was lost in the river of time.

His original self carried the Demonic Heart. He also had the inheritance of a certain very terrifying personage of the upper realm.

There were information about the Eight Wild Demonic Halberd recorded within said inheritance.

It claimed that it very likely had fallen into this particular realm.

That was why his original self supposedly came down to this lower realm for training.

It's training on the surface, but in reality, he's here searching for the Eight Wilds Demonic Halberd.

Of course, based on his character setting as a villainous canon fodder, he'd naturally fail to get anything.

If Gu Changge hasn't guessed wrong.

The normal progression following should be that Ye Chen would somehow, coincidentally, by accident, somehow run into the domain containing the weapon. Then, he'd somehow get the weapon's recognition in a one in a thousand chance, and then his strength would greatly increase from that.

Then, he'd challenge the world, halberd in hand, and overturn the world.

If he wasn't careful, he might really accidentally get himself killed here in the lower realm.

That or he'd manage to escape back to the upper realm by the skin of his teeth, having formed a deep and everlasting grudge with Ye Chen.

Gu Changge was very familiar with that kind of cliché from before.

Thus, the current him might as well be like he had a god's eye's view of things.

Everything was likely not far from his deductions.

As expected, reading web novels really did come in handy.

The shitty authors have not lied to me.

"So my lord had long since planed for it all."

After hearing the explanations, Old Ming was enlightened and understood. His own admiration of Gu Changge turned even deeper.

As expected of the one entrusted with the hopes of the clan, who was known as one divinely born.

"Keep a close eye on Ye Chen. Pay attention to his goings. Something is likely going to be happening with the Taixuan Holy Land soon."

Then, Gu Changge have Old Ming his orders with a strange look in his eyes.

After having locked up a Child of fortune, based on the usual influence of fortune itself.

Soon, something bad will definitely be happening to the Taixuan Holy Land.

But, what exactly will that be?

Even Gu Changge was somewhat curious.

At the same time, over in the dungeons.

"Spirit Concentration Pill." Yan Ji muttered.

As she looked at the pill covered in a wispy violet aura, her scarlet eyes obviously revealed her shock.

Of course she would recognize it.

That's why she was so shocked.

It had to be said. Gu Changge truly was generous when he acted.

Back when she was at her peak, she would obviously not lack for such a pill.

But it's attractiveness to her current self was definitely a gift just in her hour of need.

Spirit Concentration Pills were unbelievably valuable. They're troublesome to create and the materials are hard to gather.

Even in the upper realm, a Spirit Concentration Pill is something that's very difficult to come by in the auction houses.

In the lower realm, so barren of materials, it was basically impossible to create a Spirit Concentration Pill.

Just its mighty effect in reforging one's Primordial Spirit and stabilizing one's soul are enough to make many powerful people lust after it.

Especially given that some times, a Spirit Concentration Pill was equivalent to having an extra life?

Not even some Heavenly Gods, high above, might have a single Spirit Concentration Pill.

"Master, just what is this pill…"

Seeing that Yan Ji had fallen silent, Ye Chen also twitched. The ominous feeling in his mind grew.

Is that pill really that valuable?

Gu Changge really did make quite a move there!

Not only did he used flattery and arguments, he even tried to use this pill to further tempt his master.

How contemptible!

Yan Ji had a complicated expression.

Then, she told Ye Chen about the pill's value and great effects.

After listening, Ye Chen had also fallen silent. His teeth clenched and his fist tightened even harder.

Merely powerful wasn't nearly enough to describe the effect of the Spirit Concentration Pill.

It could stabilize Yan Ji's current situation and help repair her worn soul.

"Master, do you really mean to use this pill?"

Ye Chen's eyes were a bit red as he asked in a gravely voice.

He couldn't take such humiliation. He felt that it was all by Gu Changge's plotting.

But this pill really could help his master and lessen the pains of her damaged soul.

He was stuck.

It was the hardest choice he ever encountered.

Damn you Gu Changge!

I'll definitely kill you!


He roared out in pain in his mind.

"This was a show of Lord Gu's good intentions after all…"

As she said that, Yan Ji noticed something wrong with how Ye Chen looked.

After a moment of silence, she quietly sighed as asked.

"Little Chen. Tell me honestly. Do you have some prejudice against Lord Gu?"

When he heard that, Ye Chen froze. He opened his eyes widely in disbelief.

At that moment, he felt like everything had gone dark and his entire world had collapsed.