Chapter 63


At the gate of the palace, many brilliance flickered.

A series of vein-like lines, converging from the four directions, filled with a powerful atmosphere.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Ye Chen is roaring, his eyes are red, like a beast, he wants to choose people and eat.

The key is his biggest hole card.

This is especially true in this palace, he can control many formations and institutions.

Watching Gu Changge talk so intimately with Yan Ji, who was her master the moment ago.

Gu Changge is aloof, and he has never seen anything or even heard of it.

On the other hand, he is like a bun.

It's incomparable everywhere!

This feeling is like a beggar watching a prince show off in front of him and take away his woman!

How can Ye Chen stand this?

In particular, Yan Ji is still an out-and-out peerless beauty, and she has personally taught him for many years before.

Also teacher and sister.

After all, he is just a young man with passionate blood, and he has always had some different emotions towards Yan Ji.

Even if Yan Ji betrayed him, even if the two broke up, he would not allow Yan Ji to follow Gu Changge so quickly and throw him into the arms of his enemies.

"Die me!"

His eyes were red and his heart was burning with jealousy.

What inheritance, what kind of animal herd, he ignored, now he just wants to kill Gu Changge!

This enemy who took everything from him!


There was a huge momentum here, like a terrible beast awakening, and a terrible light rushed out of the ground!

These rays of light gathered in the sky, condensing the force of terror, ready to bombard Gu Changge.

This was Ye Chen's strong blow, and even the existence of the Holy Lord realm had to change.

We must know that in the secret realm, the power of all cultivators cannot exceed the 24th realm of Great Power.

Gu Changge is no exception.

And this is one of Ye Chen's cards!

"The secret key in Ye Chen's hand can control the formations and organs here. It is so powerful that the son should not be careless."

Seeing this scene, Yan Ji said to Gu Changge, reminding him to be careful, for fear that he would suffer a loss if he didn't know.

At this moment, she looked at Ye Chen with an extremely cold expression.

She also wanted to understand. For Ye Chen, he never put himself in the position of master.

He regards himself as his personal belongings.

After the break, Ye Chen is Gu Changge's enemy, she will naturally regard Ye Chen as the enemy.

This is the nature of their family. Once one thing is identified, it will not be changed easily.

Before she was Ye Chen's master, she would always assist him and put him on the right track of practice.

But now, she is a follower of Gu Changge, and all her things are naturally considered for Gu Changge.

"The formation pattern here can't stop me."

"Ye Chen, he can't get through the storm."

Gu Changge smiled casually, not paying attention to Ye Chen's methods.

As he said, a black Dharma body faintly appeared behind him. Although it was only at the pinnacle level of the Great Power Realm, the coercion displayed was like an ancient god.


As Gu Changge shook his fist, this lacquered body also shook his fist!

The terrifying power burst out in an instant, and the void was like a major earthquake!


The beam of light formed by the intertwined formations blasted towards Gu Changge, but it disappeared with this punch!

All formation patterns were completely erased at this moment!

Yan Ji couldn't help but feel a little shocked by such a powerful force. She underestimated Gu Changge's strength too much.

As the young master of the longevity family, his methods are simple.

"How can it be.."

Ye Chen received the backlash, wowing out blood, and flew out, covered in blood.

He couldn't believe it.

Even if the secret key is used to connect the formation pattern here, it is actually smashed by this law body!

Moreover, this power was not controlled very cleverly, and it did not break the limit of the secret realm, and just smashed his hole card with one punch.


And to Ye Chen's horror, the secret key in his hand was cracked, and there were many cracks on it!

This is Gu Changge's random punch, most of the power is actually blocked by the secret key, otherwise he will instantly become a cloud of blood!

This made Ye Chen couldn't help being frightened.

Gu Changge's strength far surpassed his imagination. Even in the Great Power Realm, it is estimated that he can easily slaughter the Holy Lord Realm.

His heart was cold, and the whole person was a little dumbfounded.

"I have been jumping for so long, and it's time to end you today.

"Little Leek"

At this time, Gu Changge said casually.


He slapped it again with a palm, and the terrifying jet black magic body also protruded his palm, continuously zooming in the air, covering everything in front of him!

The expression was indifferent like a god, and the void rumbling, as if it could suppress all things.

"Impossible, how could I die here? Looking at all of this, Ye Chen's eyes were desperate, his whole body was cold, and he was suppressed so hard that he couldn't even move.

He had always thought he was strong enough before, but under the palm of Gu Changge, he was as small as an ant, and he couldn't even resist!

He will really die here today!

All the hole cards have no effect at all in front of absolute power!

"Gu Changge, stop!"

At this time, a cold voice came.

Ye Liuli didn't know what tactics to use, she broke away from the group of fierce beasts, and rushed over from a distance, just in time to see Gu Changge's movement to slap Ye Chen to death.


A Sword Ray smashed, extremely gorgeous, Sword intent strands, to cut everything!

She wants to save Ye Chen!

Quansheng Cultivation Base belongs to the Holy Lord. Although the stars are suppressed here, she also has the peak combat power of the Mighty Realm. She asks herself that she can block Gu Changge.


However, what shocked her was that her sword fell, and the black big hand transformed by Gu Changge's Dharma body continued to be cut at the slightest.

"How can it be "

"My current Realm is obviously similar to Gu Changge, but why does he keep cutting his hands with a Dharma body?"

Ye Liuli couldn't believe it.

Her snow-white long sword is not a common grade, it contains special sacred gold, and the Sword Technique supernatural power it uses is the Secret Technique sword battle of the Upper Realm Ye Clan.

The ordinary Holy Lord realm has long been directly smashed to death by this sword.

But Gu Changge didn't hurt at all.

"It's just time to come.

Gu Changge glanced at her with a strange expression.

Then he grabbed it with a big hand and fell from the air, grabbing Ye Chen directly in his palm with a rumble.

This posture is like catching a small bug!

"Liu Li" Ye Chen was firmly grasped, his face was pale, and he couldn't help shouting, struggling desperately.

But it has no effect.

This is Gu Changge's Heavenly Demon divine transformation.

Not to mention Ye Chen now, even if he is allowed to break through a big Realm, he can't break free.

Ye Chen also knows that now only Ye Liuli can save him.


However, as soon as he spoke, Gu Changge's big hands rubbed tight, causing him to cough up blood and his complexion became violently pale.

Yan Ji looked at all this, her expression was calm, and she had no sympathy for Ye Chen today.

It's nothing more than self-inflicted.

I had persuaded him at the beginning, but he didn't listen, which resulted in the bitter fruit of today.

"What's wrong, want to save him?" Gu Changge looked at Ye Liuli with a faint smile, as if she was not surprised that she was able to rush through the beasts.

Anyhow, it's the Little Princess of the Ye family.

There must be a lot of her methods, and there are also many treasures, Magical Items, and it is not difficult to solve the group of beasts at the critical moment.

Of course the most important thing is that Gu Changge guessed she would come.

Ye Chen is in his hands and can make good use of it to give play to his final residual value.

"Gu Changge, you stop and let Ye Chen Big Brother go. If you have any requests, please don't hesitate to say."

Ye Liuli said coldly. Seeing Gu Changge's expression, he knew he had a plan.

At this time, it is impossible for her to die of Ye Chen Big Brother.

According to Gu Changge's character, he would definitely use this threat to ask for something.

Moreover, Gu Changge's strength is too strong to deal with him by ordinary means. At first, she had a little hope for Ye Chen Big Brother. She felt that he was so confident that she should have some certainty.

But I didn't expect to see Ye Chen Big Brother being slapped on the ground by Gu Changge as soon as he rushed over.

This made Ye Liuli not know what to say for a while.

"What are the conditions?"

Gu Changge looked a little intriguing, and asked back.

Ye Liuli looked at him coldly and said, "As long as you can let Ye Chen Big Brother go, you can say anything. Of course, the conditions can't be too much."

"Wait, at this time, it's not that you are negotiating with me, but I am negotiating with you. You have to figure it out first." Gu Changge raised his eyebrows and interrupted her, still feeling calm and relaxed.

"If you don't understand this, you don't have to save Ye Chen."

When he said that, he couldn't help showing a little smile, but he was also handsome and handsome.

In the void, the big black hand rubbed tightly.

Ye Chen coughed again, his face was full of hatred, anger, and unyielding.

Gu Changge's handsome and gentle appearance fell in the eyes of 327 Ye Liuli, but it was no different from a fierce demon, making her pretty face even colder.

"Liu Li, don't agree to him. Even if I die, I won't let you intercede with him." Ye Chen was quite spineless at this moment, staring at Gu Changge unyieldingly, as if he was going to be treated after death. Thousands of broken corpses.

"Did I let you talk?" Gu Changge glanced at him flatly.


Ye Chen spurted blood and was tightly clenched again, almost suffocating.

"What conditions will you release Ye Chen Big Brother, you say? As long as I can do it." Ye Liuli looked at Gu Changge stubbornly, his eyes full of anger.

"It's very simple, let go of the sea of ​​knowledge, and let me plant a slave mark." Gu Changge's expression remained the same, and he made an understatement.

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but change his face.

Once a slave mark is planted, it means that you will become a slave and be driven by it in the future.

The price is too high.

Will Ye Liuli agree? He didn't know what to do.

There is a trace of struggle in his expression

"Liu Li, don't promise him, I would rather die

Then, Ye Chen couldn't help but say loudly.

He doesn't want to die, he wants revenge, and he can't die here.

So he knows.

At this time, he couldn't show a trace of timidity, let alone be greedy for life and fear of death, otherwise Ye Liuli would definitely hesitate.

Ye Chen didn't want to deceive Ye Liuli so much, but he would really die today.

Gu Changge will kill him.

His heart was extremely painful, and he didn't know why he became what he is today.

All this is caused by Gu Changge!

"Plant a slave mark? Gu Changge, you are really ambitious. But for Ye Chen Big Brother, I am willing."

Ye Liuli breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Gu Changge's words.

But the surface was still angry and after a hard decision, he was silent for a while before taking a deep breath.

She believed that she could hide her appearance from Gu Changge.

After all, there is a magical power of the primordial spirit in the Ye Clan, which can cut all the spells against the primordial spirit, especially the slave seal.

Only the Ye clan's direct line will know about this.

Gu Changge counts thousands of things, but unfortunately he didn't count this.

There is still a way to save all this!