Chapter 82

The crimson robe Elder is called Red Fire Elder, which is now the sixth Elder of the Ziji Danzong.

I don't know how long I have lived. It is said that it was transformed by a ray of red sun and sky fire, and the technique of pill refining is extremely famous in the upper realm.

Behind him, he also followed many Elder and his disciples in turn, but he was clearly the leader.

Among the group of disciples, both men and women are dressed in blue robes, but they use rune to condense the Danwen on the chest to show their identity.

The disciple of Inner Sect of the Ziji Danzong.

Cultivation Base is not very strong, basically it is in the powerful state.

At this moment, they all looked at Gu Changge curiously.

The rumored Young Master Gu, what did he come to the Purple Pole Danzong for? And why is the blue skirt woman next to him, Cultivation Base so weak? It turned out to be only a supernatural power.

After all, Gu Changge's identity is very honorable, and they just dared to look at it casually, not to speak out, so as not to be disrespectful.

At this moment, everyone is guessing in their hearts the intention of Gu Changge's coming.

"Young Master Changge also invited a narrative into the sect. It would be too rude to be in front of the mountain gate."

Immediately, Red Fire Elder made a request and invited Gu Changge to go.

Gu Changge smiled slightly and followed behind.

Soon, a divine rainbow rose from the feet of everyone, and headed towards the depths of the Ziji Danzong.

In a magnificent palace, Dan incense lingers, it looks ancient and long.

Many beautiful disciples came to give Gu Changge "three or four zero" tea, and then stepped aside.

"I don't know why Young Master Changge came to my sect today?"

Chi Huo Elder took a sip of tea, and then asked in confusion.

The relationship between the Ziji Danzong and the major forces is actually quite good, and there is very little friction, so Gu Changge's visit should not be a conflict.

At this time, Gu Changge also spoke, with a faint smile on his face.

"Chihuo Elder is welcome. In fact, Changge came to visit the Ziji Danzong today. There is indeed something to do."

"Oh, what Young Master Changge said is about this girl?"

Chi Huo Elder couldn't help but condensed when he heard the words.

It finally fell on the woman in the blue dress beside Gu Changge.

The baby is beautiful, but Cultivation Base is not so good.

He wasn't sure about Lin Qiuhan's identity, so he just said a girl, but judging from her appearance, he should have a close relationship with Gu Changge.

Rumors say that Young Master Gu is extremely indifferent, superior, and difficult to deal with. Now it seems that the rumors are wrong.

At least when he talked to Gu Changge, he didn't feel anything wrong, and even felt like a spring breeze, giving people a feeling of warmth and jade.

How could such a person have the kind of temperament in the rumors.

Chihuo Elder couldn't help shaking his head in his heart.

"I brought Qiuhan up from the Lower Realm. At that time, I saw her Alchemy's talent is good, and when my heart moved, I wanted to bring her to the Upper Realm, which happened to be sent to the Purple Pill Pill Sect, so as not to waste her talent."

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and didn't directly say anything. Seeing that the Ziji Danzong has been in a slump lately, he was thinking about sending you a good seedling.

This is too ruthless.

After all, he was still waiting for Zi Ji Danzong to help him cultivate Lin Qiuhan, and he was being taken advantage of.

It's a bit too much to poke someone's wound in front of you.

So what he has said is very implicit.

If you translate it, it means that Lin Qiuhan is the person I brought up from the Lower Realm. Alchemy has a very good talent. Seeing that you have no disciples of the Purple Pole Danzong who can come up with anything recently, I will send it to you.

Chihuo Elder is also a human spirit, so he understands naturally, his face is a little embarrassed, but he is a little expectant.

After all, Gu Changge is the young master of the Gu family.

"Young Master Changge is interested, and the old man first thanked Young Master Changge for his kindness on behalf of the Purple Pill Danzong.

Chi Huo Elder laughed, and then he began to look at Lin Qiuhan seriously.

Under the pressure of his expression, Lin Qiuhan also became a little nervous, but when she remembered what Master Gu had said, she calmed down a lot.

At this time, you can't panic, but Master Gu is standing behind you!

Lin Qiuhan said to himself in his heart.

Gu Changge has always had a calm smile on his face, and it hasn't changed at all.

Lin Qiuhan's horrible Alchemy talent is naturally clear to him, and he is determined to be a foolish and honest person like Ziji Danzong.

But at this time, no one jumped out to question the face, which made him feel a little boring.

After all, normal routines.

It should be a group of Inner Sect disciples of the Purple Pill Pill Sect. Seeing that Lin Qiuhan's Cultivation Base is weak and coming from the lower realm, did they begin to ridicule and unbelief?

It's a pity that she has such great luck, so she doesn't even follow this routine.

It seems that I have been by my side for a long time, and the slapstick routines are not good anymore.

Gu Changge suddenly felt a little lack of interest, no one questioned the face when he walked, and it was no longer possible for him to use force to suppress others.

Everyone feared him so much.

"what "

At this moment, Elder Chihuo suddenly felt light, looking at Lin Qiuhan's expression, he couldn't believe it.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but when I look at it, I start to say that he looks like this.

After all, the talent is not written on his face. Even if the Cultivation Base is advanced, it is impossible to see it at a glance.

This requires a process of perception.

With this perception, he discovered that Lin Qiuhan, the little girl, actually has a strong pill intent, natural pill intent?

You should know that a strand of pill is something that Alchemy Grand Great Master dreams of.

But this little girl is more than inextricably linked.

This is a bit shocking and incredible for him.

If you go to Alchemy, this is a promising future!

"This girl's talent

Chihuo Elder was overjoyed, a little excited, but still uncertain, and ordered the disciples behind him to get the Magical Item and prepare to test it.

"Red Fire Elder, Qiuhan's talent is okay?" Gu Changge smiled faintly, but he had expected it a long time ago, but naturally he should go through a process.

"This girl's talent is a bit scary. I didn't expect to appear in the lower realm and was discovered by Young Master Changge." Red Fire Elder also smiled, looking at Lin Qiuhan's eyes, as if looking at the supreme. Like a gem.

"Girl, would you like to follow the old man as a teacher?"

He suddenly spoke, the first sentence made Lin Qiuhan a little confused, his head couldn't turn around, is his own Alchemy talent really that good?

She looked at Gu Changge as if for help.

"You decide this for yourself.

Gu Changge smiled and said, he must follow her advice. It would be boring to listen to him in such things as a teacher.

However, this Scarlet Fire Elder was a personal spirit, and he was planning to snatch Lin Qiuhan first.

"However, I think Qiuhan, you can wait a little longer, there are a lot of Elders in the Purple Pole Danzong, pick one you think is suitable.

This time, Gu Changge directly used the word pick.

Chi Huo Elder was a bit sloppy, after all, he was indeed planning to grab someone first, and was picked up by Gu Changge.

As for the word pick, he feels very right.

Now it is not whether they are willing to accept Lin Qiuhan as a disciple, but whether she is willing to worship them as a teacher. After a while, the rest of Elder will rush to hear the news, but they will not be like him anymore. I am afraid that she has to grab them directly. .

The disciples of the Inner Sect of the Purple Pill Sect were also shocked at this moment.

Is the talent of this blue skirt woman really that terrifying?

"Little girl, if you are following an old man as a teacher, just say whatever pill you want. When controlling the fire, in the entire upper realm, the old man dares to pat his chest to ensure that few people can be better than the old man."

Chi Huo Elder was ready to seduce him, and he wanted to lay the foundation for Lin Qiuhan to choose her as his master.

At this time, outside the Great Hall, there was also a crowd of Elders who were very old, all of whom were famous in Alchemy, living fossils, and possessed extremely terrifying connections and resources!

"I heard that Young Master Changge has sent us a good seedling."

"Young Master Changge is really interested, I am really grateful for the Purple Pill Pill Sect."

All the Elder auras were terrifying. They first greeted Gu Changge, and then turned their gazes directly on Lin Qiuhan, who looked like a group of hungry wolves with meat.

On the way here, they had already heard what happened.

"There is more than one strand of natural pill intention. It's not right. There are so many fucking troughs. How could this be possible?

"Should this little girl be transformed into an ancient god pill, right?"

"This kind of talent hasn't been seen once in a million years. It feels like we can exhale once in each trial!"


Someone couldn't help but took a breath, quickly took out the test Magical Item, and fell behind Lin Qiuhan.


Accompanied by a light tremor!

A splendid brilliance began to bloom in the middle, and various colors reflected on the Great Hall, dazzling and dazzling, almost illuminating the entire Great Hall.

Many disciples can only close their eyes to avoid being stabbed by the light.

"There is nothing wrong with the talent test. This little girl is the most suitable physique for pill refining. Give her to the old man. Within twenty years, she must be the famous Alchemy Great Master."

"It's better to leave it to Lao Ji, how could the little girl let a group of you guys teach, what if the teaching is wrong? Little girl follow me, I only need 18 years, I will teach you to become a generation of Alchemy Great Master, accept Countless people admire it!,

"The old man only needs fifteen years!"

"Fifteen years? Old man, I only need thirteen and 3.7 years! Hehe, you are just as capable, little girl, you choose the old man and I will be the master. The Tianzhu Peak where I am, the next peak leader must be you, the Sect Leader Bit is not impossible."

Seeing a crowd of peak masters, Elder who would never see him on weekdays, began to scramble for the position of master, even a face of quarrel in a small stall.

All the disciples of the Ziji Danzong were extremely shocked, even a little pity, they were scared.

"Young Master". Lin Qiuhan blinked and looked at Gu Changge for help.

When has she encountered such a scary posture?

Now my mind is dizzy.

"You choose yourself." Gu Changge said.

"No, I only listen to the son." Lin Qiuhan smoothed his lips and threw the pot directly to Gu Changge.

Why don't you see you so smart on weekdays?

Gu Changge wanted to knock her head like that.

"The little girl might as well follow me. I only need ten years to teach her to become an Alchemy Great Master."

At this time, with a gentle voice, a beautiful lady in palace dress walked in slowly, with a smile on her face.

Her figure is very vague, like walking from another world, Daoxing doesn't know how deep it is.

"Sect Leader!"

All the disciples and Elder in the hall met with courtesy.

What she said was obviously addressed to Gu Changge. .