Chapter 89


There was still some quiet in front of the mountain gate, because the nine-headed cyan blue dragon that suddenly passed by, suddenly seemed to explode.

Everyone looked at this scene and couldn't help but boil.

They couldn't know the quaint word "Gu" more clearly.

Especially the posture of Jiulong pulling a cart. At first glance, it is known that it is the true disciple of the Celestial Immortals Palace and Gu Changge, who is also the young master of the Gu family. He is back!

There are a lot of rumors about Gu Changge in the Celestial Immortals Palace. There are too many real immortals, young gods, and great darlings.

The future achievements are unimaginable, and no one knows where he can go.

Many Elders in the Celestial Immortals Palace are very optimistic about him, thinking that he is the most suitable candidate to compete for the Celestial Immortals Palace in the future.

The five true biography of Celestial Immortals Palace, and the remaining few true biography, are extremely jealous of him.

Many cultivators have heard of these news.

In addition, when he was young, Gu Changge was famous, showing strong talents, and was known as the young supreme. Since he was born, he has never been defeated.

On the contrary, there are a lot of defeats in the hands. They are all extremely famous Tianjiao forces of various Daoist forces. Now they are extremely eye-catching in the upper realm, and they will be noticed wherever they go.

Moreover, Gu Changge's identity is still the young master of the longevity family, at this point, it is comparable to the Celestial Immortals family heir!

Because the Celestial Immortals Palace is very special in the upper world, even the various immortal dynasties and Immortal forces want to intervene and send their descendants.

Although this is not uncommon, it is enough to attract the attention of all parties.

Some time ago, Gu Changge suddenly said to himself that Celestial Immortals had left. It was a full half a year after it disappeared. Many cultivators were shocked, and they wondered where he was going.

For ordinary people, the whereabouts of any young supreme is extremely attractive and attracts the attention of all walks of life.

At the moment, there was a sensation in front of the mountain gate, and many cultivators were discussing, paying attention to the nine-headed cyan in the sky.

"Gu Changge, half a year after disappearing, he actually came back

"Where did he go?"

The man in gold named Jin Yu was also attracted to him, frowning, he didn't catch a cold with Gu Changge, because he was always afraid of Gu Changge from Big Brother.

He naturally has no good feelings about Gu Changge.

However, he didn't notice that at this moment, Gu Xian'er's face was extremely cold, and even hatred was suppressing it.

A terrible breath filled her body, and even in her eyes, rune began to flow.


The old servant next to Gu Xian'er pulled her a little worried, worried that she was too impulsive.

There is no doubt that Gu Xian'er also knows that the person who went into the Celestial Immortals Palace in such a high-profile manner is the Big Brother she hates most.

Her bone is inside him.

The two were fused together.

How can she not feel it.

After more than ten years, I saw him again.

She seemed to feel the pain once again when she was excavated from the bones of the avenue.

"Miss, you haven't found that Elder yet, so don't get his attention. In the Celestial Immortals Palace, it's completely his place," the old servant persuaded.

Gu Xian'er also understood the truth, nodded immediately, and forced herself to calm down. Sooner or later, she would go to him to seek justice.

"Come on, take this little girl who doesn't live or die for me."

At this moment, Jin Yu's expression turned cold, turned his head to look at Gu Xian'er, and waved his hand.

Several servants behind him rushed up, strong, with horns and scales.

Gu Xian'er had a cold face and didn't want to cause trouble, but she had to find her for this trouble.

Moreover, there are still a lot of cultivators who beat her on this road.

"Roar..々[ "

At this time, the sound of dragon chants came from the sky again, and all the cultivators were shocked again.

"Go and return, and come to us."

They couldn't help screaming out in exclamation, and found that the nine-headed cyan blue dragon had gone into the Celestial Immortals Palace before, and appeared again, and looking at the direction, it was falling towards this place!

"No, he should feel me too."

Gu Xian'er's face changed slightly, and she figured it out for the first time.Otherwise, how to explain that Gu Changge would go and return, and come to her shop?

"Gu Changge, what is he doing here?"

Being disturbed repeatedly, Jin Yu's face couldn't help but look ugly.He didn't know why Gu Changge came here?

Is it because of yourself?

After all, he and Gu Changge knew each other in the presence of him. Because of his Big Brother, he had met Gu Changge many times.

For a moment, his face became gloomy and uncertain.

"Miss, let's go quickly. At this time, the old servant's complexion also turned pale and hurriedly persuaded him.

At this time, Gu Qing'er calmed down instead and shook her head, "We can't go. Anyway, we have to face him sooner or later, so let's just do it now."

She didn't expect to see Gu Changge so soon.

But now, she doesn't care.

The cultivators around Fangshi were attracted. A small number of people were watching the excitement just now, but now basically everyone has seen it and is very curious.

"Gu Zhenchuan will actually show up? It's still a miracle?"

"Could it be because of Jin Yu's affairs. It is said that he was injured by Gu Zhen's hand in the Big Brother before and suffered injuries?"

The nearby cultivators are all talking about it.

Soon, Kowloon pulled the cart and landed.

In the white jade car, there was a gentle and pleasant voice from a man.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, it seems you are doing well."

"No matter what Gu Zhen tells you, even if I've been a good one, how can I compare with you?"

Jin Yu didn't expect Gu Changge to say this, and was slightly taken aback.

But since Gu Changge had a good greeting, he couldn't help but smile back, with a little kindness.

"I haven't seen you in more than ten years, you have grown so tall, and you have grown so beautiful."

Voices continued to be heard in the white jade car, Gu Changge walked out of it with a strange look in his eyes.

Speaking to himself, he didn't pay attention to Jin Yu who was talking to him on the side.

Hearing this, Jin Yu's expression directly froze, and then he was very embarrassed, his face sullen and ugly.

The nearby cultivators were also taken aback, very shocked. This was obviously not addressed to Jin Yu.

Could it be that girl in Tsing Yi?

Gu Xian'er naturally knew that Gu Changge said this to her.

But her pretty face was cold, she didn't say a word, and her eyes were extremely cold.

"Gu Changge, what do you mean?"

Jin Yu saw that Gu Changge completely ignored himself, making him completely unable to hang on his face, so he couldn't help but screamed, trying to maintain his own image.

After all, it was really Losing face just now, Gu Changge didn't talk to him at all, he even posted it to say so, his face was hot.

"What are you? I talked to Little Sister, and it was your turn to interrupt?"

At this time, Gu Changge glanced at him, his expression was indifferent and indifferent.

"You" Jin Yu's expression was stagnant, even more gloomy, ugly, and trembling with anger.

Gu Changge is not talking about this person.

He turned to continue to look at Gu Xian'er.

He also didn't expect that he had just arrived at the foot of the Celestial Immortals Palace and felt the existence of Gu Xian'er.

So let Ming Lao drive back directly.

Anyway, say hello first, there is nothing wrong with angering her.

She is too far behind herself in Cultivation Base, she must be unable to beat own.

Although there are peak powerhouses behind her, as long as her life is not in danger, those peak powerhouses will definitely not care.

Now, is it not easy to bully her by yourself?

Revenge? As long as her Cultivation Base is better than her, she won't have a chance.

As for how to solve the bone-digging hatred, Gu Changge had a solution long ago, and he would throw the pot to the devil's heart in case of indecision.

However, I used the system to check Gu Xian'er's luck.

Gu Changge couldn't help but spit in his heart.

Compared with Yuemingkong, it is not less than half a point, or even more.

Nearly 10,000 points of luck.

This made him have to say that the son of luck in the lower realm is really not as good as they are.

"Hehe, Gu Changge, my good Big Brother, I'm sorry for what you said.

"If you still have my Little Sister in your eyes? Will you do what you did back then?"

Gu Xian'er did not expect Gu Changge to have such an attitude.

But this understatement made her feel more uncomfortable than indifference. Jade clenched his hands and stared at Gu Changge coldly.

On the face that made her hate, there was a beautiful smile. People who didn't know thought he would be a good person.

She wanted to punch him right now and smash his head.

At this moment, the nearby cultivators were too shocked, their eyes widened, never expected that this young girl in Tsing Yi, with such a big background, would be Gu Changge's Little Sister.

It's just that there seems to be a contradiction between the two?

What happened back then? What happened back then?

Jin Yu's complexion also changed slightly. He didn't expect that this girl in Tsing Yi, who he thought had no background, turned out to be a member of the Gu family.

But for the younger generation of Gu family, he basically knows, where did this girl in Tsing Yi come from?

Gu Xian'er didn't say anything, but stared at Gu Changge coldly. After all, it was a scandal of the Gu family. All these elders have taken good care of her.

She also didn't want to embarrass Gu's Losing face about this kind of thing.

"~ It's hard to meet each other. I didn't expect you to have this attitude. It really hurts me to be Big Brother." Gu Changge smiled lightly.

It does not seem to repent at all.

Of course, it was not that he was unrepentant, and it was not an apology that could be done back then, otherwise Gu Xian'er would still feel that he was hypocritical and that his motives were impure.

Gu Changge didn't need this either.

"Then what attitude do I want? I can't wait to smash your face now." Gu Xian'er said coldly, feeling that Gu Changge came here just to make her understand that he knew everything she did.

Just come and swing in front of her, so that she has nowhere to vent her anger.

"Fine, if you can smash, then you try?"

Gu Changge chuckled, as if (okay) didn't want to say more, then looked at Jin Yu, whose face changed slightly, and his expression turned cold, and said, "What kind of stuff are you? My Little Sister, I can bully you. If you dare to move her, then go to death.

When the words fell, he raised his palm and patted it off, the runes were intertwined, and the golden palm prints quickly condensed in the virtual space and turned into the hand of the gods, extremely large, falling horizontally!

"Gu Changge, you…" Jin Yu's complexion changed, and he couldn't believe it, and his complexion suddenly turned pale. At the foot of the Celestial Immortals Palace, Gu Changge dare to move him to kill?

The servants behind him were also panicked and desperate. Although their strength was in the Void God Realm, they couldn't even think of resistance at this moment.

Gu Changge's palm is like the hand of a god, covering the world, covering them completely!


The blood mist exploded here, and Jin Yu's servant exploded in an instant. He himself also vomited blood, his body collapsed, and the soul wrapped in a protective object and quickly escaped.

Suddenly, there was a dead silence here.

All cultivators have numb scalp and chills all over.

Someone swallowed their saliva secretly and trembled, feeling that something serious was about to happen.

"Gu Changge, don't think that I'll thank you for this." Gu Xian'er reacted in a daze, her face chilling.

She doesn't need Gu Changge to take action, she can also solve it by herself. Before, she was just afraid of causing trouble and was noticed by Gu Changge.

Now Gu Changge has noticed her, what else does she care about.

"No, I don't need you to thank me." Gu Changge shook his head, "I just want you to know that I can bully you, but others can bully you, then not.".