Chapter 97

Hearing that, Ye Liuli's face was a little reddish, and she snorted, "Big Brother, don't talk nonsense, how can I miss him, I'm just curious, after all, you are called the young supreme together with Big Brother."

"Now I heard that he easily crushed the prince of the Great Chu Immortal Dynasty, and he has broken through to the middle stage of the kingship state. His strength is extremely terrifying, and it is difficult for the younger generation to find rivals. So I can't help but want to ask you Big Brother.

Although what she said sounds like an explanation.

But how could Ye Langtian not hear the rest of her meaning.

Are you asking yourself what you think of Gu Changge?

Naturally, this little thought can't be concealed from him.

He glanced at Ye Liuli's look of expectation and shook his head.

In fact, he didn't know how she and Gu Changge had such a deep intersection in the lower realm.

Some of the details he heard from Aunt Xue, Ye Liuli had some offenses, but it was obvious that Gu Changge did not embarrass her, just made her apologize.

However, because of this, Ye Liuli didn't forget it?

Right now, Ye Langtian pondered for a while, and said, "I know a lot about Gu Changge. This person is indeed my great enemy. The world calls me the reincarnation of the ancient emperor, but it is said that he is the capital of the true immortal. .The ancient emperor, the true immortal, this has actually explained a lot

The emperor of the ancients opened up frontiers and expanded their businesses. "Three, four, seven" carried the destiny and established the supreme great religion, but only true immortals can be called Immortal.

Although it sounds similar, it's actually a lot worse.

Ye Langtian knew this well.

Gu Changge now breaks through to the middle stage of Fengwang realm.

But he has just broken through the kingship realm, and this gap is not even a little bit.

Hearing Ye Langtian's comment on Gu Changge, Ye Liuli's heart was shocked, even Big Brother said so, it seems that Gu Changge is really terrifying!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but think of a weird ancient god, majestic and ancient, which made her fear Gu Changge even more.

Ye Langtian didn't notice that Ye Liuli was so strange.

He shook his head, thinking that he would compete with Gu Changge in the future, both young and supreme. This point of contention should naturally exist, but he will not be afraid of anything.

"Young Master, the foreign boy named Ye Ling is here again. He has become famous and wants to challenge you. Now he has gathered a lot of people on the martial arts field."

At this time, the voice of a report from someone outside the Great Hall suddenly came.

This caused Ye Langtian, who was talking to Ye Liuli in the hall, to frown.

"Ye Ling, who is this person? A foreigner who dares to challenge Big Brother?"

Ye Liuli was shocked when she heard this.

As the descendant of the Primordial Immortal Clan, although Ye Langtian has not yet been born, he does not need to say how terrifying his strength is, but someone dares to challenge him?

Is this a matter of life or death, or is it asking for trouble?

Hearing that, Ye Langtian's expression was also a little annoyed, and he explained, "Ye Ling is the number one in the family collateral race some time ago. The family promised him three conditions. One of them is to challenge me and want to defeat. I, in order to repay his father's justice when I missed and injured his father."

"For this matter, Big Brother, you have already paid them a lot of compensation? I remember they accepted it at the time.

After hearing the explanation, Ye Liuli was a bit stunned.

After accepting the compensation, now we have to seek justice, no wonder even people with a temperament like Big Brother feel annoyed.

"This matter is still being used by him to say that the main line looks down on the side lines, causing a commotion, causing several clan elders to scold me." Ye Langtian said, his expression was very annoyed.

This kind of rogue attitude of the other party, as the young master, also found it difficult to deal with, and in the challenge, he had to take into account the face of his side and suppress the Cultivation Base.

He wondered whether this seeking justice was false, and that it was true if he took the opportunity to make trouble.

Soon, Ye Langtian left here and headed for the martial arts field.

Ye Liuli also followed behind, ready to take a look at this so-called fairness test.

At the same time, Wushuang Xian Dynasty is located, eternal day and day.


In a quaint and magnificent Great Hall.

The sun and the moon hang high above the sky, and the heavens and the earth are in town.

The Yuemingkong, who was dressed in a broad Emperor's robe, occupied the throne of the emperor, with his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, with a strong imperial might.

"The things inside and outside the immortal dynasty have been settled, and from today onwards, there will be no more words.

After listening to the following words, Yue Mingkong nodded, finally showing a touch of satisfaction.


Then, with a wave of her jade hand, all the ministers retreated one after another.

In the palace, there are only a few confidants at a time.

Soon, Yue Mingkong screened everyone back again.

She rubbed her eyebrows and looked a little tired, remembering what was going to happen next.

After all, we have to make preparations first. She feels so difficult for her foresight. If she doesn't know these things, she may be even more difficult to do so.

Gu Changge is terrible!

"According to the timing, absolutely cloudy sky is about to fall, and the inner region is about to be turbulent. After all, it is an ancient universe manifested by several parties. This matter will become the top priority of all races and traditions in the future."

"All the great teachers are almost going to work together to form the True Immortal Academy, and select the best disciples from each force to create a true immortal…"

"The immortal road of Celestial Immortals Palace should also show up. My good husband worshipped Celestial Immortals Palace and planned for so long. It should have been for this matter. I didn't even notice it back then."

"Now that I think about it, I realize that this may be the biggest secret of his visit to the Celestial Immortals Palace."

"Back when the fairy was born, the various races scrambled, and even shocked the Supreme to take action, but in the end no one grabbed it, and the fairy disappeared since then."

"Now it seems that the fairy was definitely taken away by Gu Changge secretly, taking food under the noses of all horrors, hehe, he is indeed my good husband."

Yue Mingkong laughed at himself, and then his expression gradually became serious.

"He has a forbidden magic power. The real Cultivation Base is definitely not just as simple as the surface. Gu's trip was my impulse. If he wanted to kill me at that time, I had a small chance of surviving.

"You have to make some precautions in the future."

Thinking of this, Yuemingkong sighed faintly.

She didn't take advantage of Gu's trip.

But I also discovered that Gu Changge's actions did not seem to be the same as what she had experienced in her previous life.

This puzzled her, but it was more disturbing.

She knew that Gu Changge was born with a demon. I am afraid that this matter will be known to the world soon. She digs out the bones of the young cousin and transplants herself to cover her demon.

Of course, this incident did not have much impact on Gu Changge. At most, he was burdened with a lot of infamy.

Such things as true celestial assets and natural demon nature are really shocking to the Quartet.

However, she didn't know where Gu Changge's magical nature came from. She personally guessed that it was related to taboo magic.

"Thinking about it, Xian'er Little Sister is so kind, but a pitiful person. Not only was Gu Changge excavated in her previous life, but he should have swallowed the original Cultivation Base and disappeared. I was so stupid that she was letting go. The hatred is gone."

"I have to protect her in this life."

Thinking of this, Yue Mingkong felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavier again.

Others don't know, but she knows very well.

Behind Gu Changge, there is an extremely mysterious master, who has only played once in his previous life.

It was that shot that solved Gu Changge's almost exposed matter.

Yue Mingkong guessed that the mysterious master Gu Changge was definitely related to Gu Changge's forbidden magic, and he would only take action when Gu Changge's forbidden magic was about to be exposed.

Otherwise, why don't you dare to show up face-to-face?

The matter of taboo magic is of great importance. It is better than Gu Changge's mysterious master, and he only dares to hide in the dark.

It can be seen what the situation will be after the exposure.

In Yuemingkong's heart, he actually didn't want Gu Changge to have such a day when all the people betrayed their relatives and left, and the whole world was boundless, only the enemy.

"What I am doing now is not protecting him?"

Yue Mingkong calmed down quickly, and she decided to go to Celestial Immortals Palace. It was related to the manifestation of Xianlu, and of course, Gu Xian'er.

As a sister-in-law, she cannot see her in a crisis without knowing it.

"By the way, during this period of time, the descendant of Samsara Gu Tianzun should also be born. It seems to be called Ye Ling? He has a Samsara ancient talisman in his hand, which contains the power of Samsara. I must plan this power."

Yuemingkong's phoenix eyes glanced, thinking of another important thing.

Samsara Gu Tianzun, that is an extremely ancient existence, Cultivation Base is through the sky.

It is said that controlling the power of Six Paths of Reincarnation makes heaven and earth difficult to bury and time to change.

She happened to be able to snatch the Samsara Ancient Talisman in his hand while the descendant of Samsara Ancient Heavenly Sovereign was still weak.

After thinking about this, Yuemingkong also began to arrange it.

Inner domain, Wuliangtian, Tao Celestial Immortals palace.

In the mountains, misty clouds, an old man in a white robe with a fairy style and bones is fishing.

"Big Elder is so leisurely and leisurely, I really admire Junior."

With a chuckle, a 3.7 young man in white casually found a stone bench and sat down, with a natural and casual expression, as if he were at home.

"Gu Changge, just tell me if you have anything to say, between you and me, why don't you make mistakes."

Big Elder didn't lift his eyelids, still watching his own straight hook, staring at the sea of ​​clouds below.

There is no good attitude towards Gu Changge who came here.

Gu Changge didn't care about it at all.

Wen Yan smiled and said, "There is nothing else, just want to thank Elder for helping me teach Little Sister.

Gu Xian'er, who was standing expressionless behind him, suddenly squeezed the jade sword in his hand when she heard this, wishing to pierce him from behind.

On the top of the mountain where Elder is located, only a few people can come here on weekdays.

Gu Changge had only been here before, and it was the time when he walked into the mountain gate, breaking the record of 100,000 years on Daotian Road and alarming everyone.

Many people think that Elder will accept him as a disciple.

But he didn't expect that Elder would just bring him back to the top of the mountain and let him go after saying a few words, without mentioning the matter of accepting disciples at all.

Naturally, Gu Changge remembered this very clearly.

At that time, Elder said in the first sentence that he had impure motives, deep-rooted demons, and embarrassment.