Chapter 103

What does the tail of the nine-tailed celestial fox mean to their family?

Means inverse scales!

Many Tianjiao know it.

That is exactly equivalent to the existence of the gate of the nine-tailed celestial fox

Who dares to touch easily?

Don't even throw them away.

Gu Changge's such open and upright action made them shocked, and their hearts were shocked, and their eyes were about to come out.

"Yin Leak"

Bai Lie, who was Yin Mei's fiance, turned green, his body trembled, and his teeth were about to break.

This sentence was squeezed from the gap between the teeth.

His marriage contract with Yin Mei had just been decided a few years ago, when Yin Meishang was practicing in the Celestial Immortals Palace, and he was also in the clan.

The two had never met before.

But the marriage contract was agreed by the elders of the two parties, and Yin Mei himself did not object.

As the most powerful Tianjiao of the White Tiger clan for nearly ten thousand years, he has the highest strength among his peers, and it is impossible for Yin Mei to refuse.

Moreover, Yin Mei is the goddess of the nine-tailed celestial fox family, and she is also a peerless beauty of Yanyan.

As a young man, Bai Lie is naturally yearning. He is very happy to have such a fiancee.

Among the arrogances of the Taikoo royal family, he embraced the beautiful, this kind of thing also made him proud.

At the same time that Celestial Immortals was born recently, he stopped by and happened to meet this fiancee.

But seeing is seeing.

But Yin Mei turned a blind eye to him and did not come to say hello. Instead, she was in the same seat with Gu Changge.

This made Bai Lie's face turn green, especially in front of everyone, and felt the green panic on the top of his head.

The scene just now made him angry, and he couldn't help it.

Yin Mei's body trembled, although her heart was extremely submissive to Gu Changge.

But thinking of what Gu Changge said before, we should not expose their relationship to outsiders.

She quickly reacted. When her face was cold, she snatched the foxtail from Gu Changge, and said, "Brother Gu, please respect yourself."

Gu Changge's face was composed and his eyes darkened, as if a dark cloud gradually accumulated, which made people unable to guess what he was thinking.

350 But there was a compliment in his heart. It was indeed the goddess of the Nine Life. The reaction speed alone was far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Smart women are naturally likable.

"Oh, Sister Yin Mei won't go to say hello to your fiance?"

Gu Changge asked calmly, unable to see his happiness or anger, as if he didn't care about what happened just now.

This look gradually suppressed the atmosphere here.

Many young Tianjiao hurriedly shut up, became nervous in their hearts, and dealt with them carefully.

Although Gu Changge looks gentle and moist now, according to the rumors, he is definitely a cruel and indifferent person.

Especially his terrifying power is still on the site of the Celestial Immortals Palace, and no one wants to offend Gu Changge easily.

Even several Young Supremes including Ye Langtian stopped talking at this time and looked over.

Yin Mei's pretty face turned pale when she heard this, and she was a little frightened, as if she was terrified of Gu Changge.

After a few seats, he glanced at Bai Lie and cast him a guilty look.

Then he didn't dare to speak anymore and lowered his head hastily.

This appearance immediately made many young Tianjiao's hearts stunned. There are rumors that Gu Changge was in the Celestial Immortals palace with only one hand covering the sky, and even Elder did not dare to offend him.

It now appears that this rumor is absolutely true.

Especially even the goddess of the nine-tailed celestial fox has an expression that dares not speak.

"Can "

This scene also made Bai Lie's complexion slightly relieved, and his heart was relieved a lot, as long as it was not Yin Mei's willingness to say it.

Looking at her expression, it should be said that being persecuted by Gu Changge was not what he thought.

But thinking of this, Bai Lie's expression on Gu Changge's face became even worse, and he looked at him coldly, very angry.

"Gu Changge, deceive people too much, take your hand away! What happened to you to Yin Mei?"

Bai Lie shouted coldly, the terrifying blood was as vast as Wang Yang, surging there, making many young Tianjiao feel depressed.

This Bai Lie was really terrifying, and he deserved to be the young supreme of the Primordial family. When he was angry, a white tiger phantom appeared behind him.

The king character on the forehead contains a kind of supreme power, and the spleen is late!

Gu Changge was still drinking, and glanced up at him lightly, "Why did Brother Bai Lie say this? As a disciple of the Celestial Immortals Palace, Senior Sister Yin Mei, as a senior, I am so concerned about her, is it a problem? "

This indifferent attitude exposed the blue veins on Bai Lie's forehead.

"Are you threatening me with Yin Mei? Gu Changge, although you are strong, don't think I'm a bully!"

He couldn't help shouting angrily.


Void trembling!

Runes mixed with dark gold appeared one after another, circling beside him, seeming to tear everything apart.

This is the terrible power of Gengjin, which makes many young Tianjiao's complexions drastically retreated.

If a big war breaks out here for a while, the resulting power will be absolutely terrifying.

Obviously, Gu Changge's strength needless to say, it is incredibly powerful in itself.

But Bai Lie's methods are also extraordinary.

If it spreads, it will be ruined here.

"Brother Gu seems to want to attack Bai Lie."

Ye Langtian glanced at Gu Changge, shook his head and smiled in his heart.

He didn't have a good impression of Bai Lie, and at this time, he naturally wanted to see him ashamed.

"This guy is the same as that Ye Ling, he hates it to death." Ye Liuli also said.

Hearing these words, Bai Lie's expression became even more ugly.

Dark golden brilliance began to appear in his hand, rune flickered, and the meaning of peerless edge appeared, like a horse, extremely powerful.

"The younger generation, but no one has ever dared to attack me, are you trying to die?"

At this time, Gu Changge finally put down the wine glass in his hand.

He looked at Bai Lie naturally, and asked in a flat voice.

The voice is an understatement, without any oppression in the slightest.

However, everyone's complexion changed, and sweat stained on their foreheads.

Do you want to die?

Bai Lie's forehead was blue, his fist clenched, and he naturally felt a terrifying power.

As a young supreme, he is naturally not afraid of Gu Changge, and few people know that now he has broken through to the realm of kings!

Compared with Chu Wuji, the prince of the Great Chu Immortal Dynasty some time ago, he is much better than he is.

But in the face of Gu Changge, he is really not sure that he can win completely.

If he loses today, he will sweep his face. From now on, he will never be able to raise his head in front of Gu Changge.

As for Yin Mei, she might be disappointed in him.

If you don't fight, you will get a reputation for fleeing without a fight.

No matter what he did, he was extremely difficult, and he was in a dilemma and couldn't make a choice.

"Brother Gu, please don't embarrass Bai Lie."

"He has a lot of offenses (cedh), and I hope Brother Gu will take Yin Mei's sake, don't blame it!"

At this moment, Yin Mei, who had been bowing her head and not speaking, suddenly spoke.

The red skirt deceived and turned into an afterimage.

With a look of struggle and determination, he blocked Gu Changge's face.

At the same time, a huge Nine tailed Fox phantom appeared out of thin air.

Covering the sky and the sun, covering all the void in front of this, the terrifying aura is mighty.

This nine-tailed demon fox phantom, above the void, the nine divine tails swayed unsteadily, like blossoming flowers from the other shore.

Yin Mei was very determined and stood in front of Gu Changge, fearing that he would suddenly attack Bai Lie!


This scene shocked everyone in an instant.

"This Nine-Fated Goddess, it is the key to stop it." Tianjiao of Mingtu shook his head slightly, a little disappointed, feeling that he could not see this battle.

Even the rest of Gu Changge's followers, Ye Langtian and others were shocked.


Bai Lie was also a little dazed, and then a warm current flashed in his heart, very moved.

At the critical moment, Yin Meimei actually stood in front of him, knowing that he was now in a dilemma, and helped him solve the dilemma.

He actually suspected Yin just now

This made him feel a little guilty suddenly.

But soon Bai Lie also reacted, this matter must not let a woman stand in front of him.

Isn't it because he is afraid of Gu Changge?

But just when he was about to speak, Gu Changge frowned, then looked at Yin Mei deeply and said, "Since this matter is what Senior Sister Yin Mei asked, I will look at you, brother. No longer be held accountable."

"If there is next time"

Yin Mei let out a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, "Senior Brother Gu, don't worry, there won't be another next time."

At this time, everyone saw it.

Yin Mei was terrified of Gu Changge, but she was right, after all, Gu Changge, the Taoist Celestial Immortals Palace, only covered the sky with her hands.

Unless you don't want to stay in the Celestial Immortals Palace, who dares to offend him?

At this critical moment, Yin Mei stood up and blocked her fiancé, which made many people take a high look.

Dare to resist Gu Changge!

As expected to be the goddess of the Nine Destiny!

Seeing all this, Bai Lie's face was still reluctant to admit defeat.

It's as if he is afraid of Gu Changge and needs his fiancee to intercede for him?

Yin Mei seemed to be afraid that he would provoke Gu Changge again, and hurriedly winked at him with an apologetic look.

Seeing Yin Mei's expression, Bai Lie finally endured it and didn't want her efforts to be wasted

But he vowed secretly in his heart.

"Gu Changge, when I break through the middle stage of the Conferred King Realm, I will definitely step on you."

Then, he sat at the meeting table with an ugly expression, his expression was cold and he didn't say a word.

Yin Mei looked at him and sighed, but she didn't leave to explain anything, as if she had troubles.

Bai Lie nodded silently at her, showing an expression of understanding.

This scene fell in the eyes of many young Tianjiao, making them sigh in their hearts.

Today's Celestial Immortals Palace, dare to offend Gu Changge, I am afraid there are only two ways to go.

Either a dead end, or he was expelled from Sect.

After such a small episode, at the subsequent banquet, many Tianjiao seemed helpless, not as casual as before.

On the site of the Celestial Immortals Palace, Gu Changge is the snakehead. Their backgrounds and identities are extraordinary, but they dare not offend them at all.

Bai Lie, as the young master of the White Tiger clan, can only be deflated. This is the best proof.

Gu Changge had a calm expression, and chatted with Ye Langtian and others casually, as if he hadn't paid attention to the matter just now.

Subsequently, the Wandao Banquet began.

In the center of Chaotianque, a large area was specially cleared out, surrounded by essence, fairy mist, and the ancient fence was very tall, looking very magnificent and primitive.

A group of young Tianjiao began to compete for the prize.

It's just that because it was only held unilaterally by the Ten Thousand Ways of Business Alliance, in fact, those lotteries were of little use to the young supreme, so they all sat in their original positions and did not get up.

Bai Lie sits alone and sullenly drinking, looking at Yin Mei in the distance from time to time, and his hatred for Gu Changge is deeper in his heart.

This kind of thing can be regarded as jealous among peers and belongs to peer competition.

Even if he called the elders behind him, Gu Changge would not be able to help.

Moreover, he can call, Gu Changge, as the young master of the Changsheng Gu family, is only higher or lower than him, so how can he not call anyone?

In this way, it's just a shame for no reason.

At this banquet, Gu Changge was satisfied when he learned about the new son of luck.

As for Bai Lie's stupid things, he probably didn't know what to do with him in the end.

It just so happened that now we could rely on his relationship with Ye Ling to know the exact location of Ye Ling. .