Chapter 108

Yue Mingkong's thoughts were quickly interrupted by Gu Xian'er.

She came back to her senses slightly, looking at the cold, aloof girl in front of her, her expression gradually gentle, as if the big sister next door was looking at Little Sister.

The facial features are very delicate and beautiful, as if from a picture scroll, tall, with a pair of proud long legs.

However, it was tightly covered by the cyan skirt, not showing a trace of skin.

She knew that this was confessed by a master Gu Xian'er. When practicing outside, girls should pay attention to protecting themselves.

This matter was mentioned to her by Gu Xian'er in the previous life, which made Yue Mingkong laugh endlessly.

"Yue Mingkong, what do you want to do when you come to me?"

At this time, Gu Xian'er asked aloud, breaking the awkward silence between the two. After all, judging from the attitude of the other party, it did not seem to be malicious.

Regarding this point, Gu Xian'er had a very clear perception, so she put down her guard for a while.

Hearing this, Yue Mingkong's expression was soft and gentle, "Don't be so dismissive, I'm a few years older than you, just call me Big sis."

After speaking, he walked a few steps forward, narrowing the distance between the two.

On the other hand, she is Gu Changge's fiancee, and Gu Xian'er is Gu Changge's cousin.

Calling itself Big sis, there is nothing wrong with this.

Gu Xian'er was a little puzzled, and she didn't understand why Yue Mingkong had such an attitude.

However, if you didn't hit the smiley person with your hand, there was no grudge between Yue Mingkong and her. Gu Xian'er's a little cold attitude eased a little, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

She is a little strange, why Yue Mingkong wants to look at her with such a pity, is it because of pity?

This made Gu Xian'er, who had a little self-esteem in her heart, a little uncomfortable.

But she didn't show anything on the surface.

"I heard that you are practicing in Elder's side, and if you have nothing to do, I will come to see you." Yuemingkong laughed.

She also knew that Gu Xian'er was very vigilant and didn't say the rest, so as not to make her suspect that she was unpredictable.

"Really?" Gu Xian'er didn't believe it. She looked behind Yue Mingkong carefully, and her beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"Is Gu Changge not here?"

She asked, can't say what kind of emotions 353 had. Not seeing Gu Changge's nasty face made her a little uncomfortable, and she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Yuemingkong is here, but Gu Changge didn't come?

How long has it been since he left himself on the top of this mountain?

Gu Xian'er also thought that now that he has broken through to the Fenghou realm, he can fight Gu Changge.

Because she has always defeated the strong by the weak, and fighting by leapfrogging is even more relaxed. It's as simple as eating and drinking.

Although Gu Changge is very strong, she does not necessarily weaken him much.

Not to mention that she is also the leader of a hundred families. She has been carefully taught by the respected masters since she was a child, and she has many secret skills and supernatural powers.

"He left the mountain gate and went to Daotian Ancient City without knowing what to do." Yue Mingkong explained.

If Gu Changge didn't tell her, she wouldn't bother.

And according to her knowledge of Gu Changge.

Gu Changge probably ran to Daotian Ancient City to figure out who was there. Anyway, his stomach is full of bad water, and he has been thinking about grabbing all kinds of opportunities all day.

However, Yue Mingkong was a little puzzled.

Why did Gu Xian'er mention Gu Changge without much hatred on her face, but rather calm and even disappointed?

She caught this subtle look.

Gu Xian'er was a little disappointed because she didn't see Gu Changge.

What happened? Shouldn't Gu Xian'er hate Gu Changge for penetrates the bone?

Suddenly, Yuemingkong couldn't figure it out.

But soon, she didn't think much about it, and continued to speak, "Actually, I have heard of the things that year. Gu Changge did not do too much. In the future, I will find a way to protect you. Gu Changge It's very dangerous. You can't imagine his methods. Don't conflict with him before you are sure."

This can be regarded as some persuasive information that she can reveal at present.

As for Gu Xian'er believe it or not, that's her own business.

Gu Xian'er was a little puzzled upon hearing this. Is Yue Mingkong coming to her just to talk about this? But she can still feel Yue Mingkong's kindness.

(cedh) "I see. Thank you for your kindness."

"But I'm still a little puzzled, aren't you Gu Changge's fiancée? Why do you want to tell me this?" she asked.

"It's not why. I can only do my best to make up for the guilt and anxiety in my heart," Yue Mingkong said, with a self-deprecating smile on the corner of his mouth, and then quickly recovered.

"He's done evil, I will help him pay."

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er couldn't help being stunned and went silent.

She didn't doubt the truth of Yue Mingkong's words, but was a little shocked.

How much is it that you love someone to say this kind of words to help them repay the evil they have done?

Speaking of this month, Mingkong is also a poor person.

Thinking of this, the indifferent expression on Gu Xian'er's face also abated a lot. It was not that she could not feel the kindness of others.

Afterwards, Yue Mingkong smiled slightly, and took the initiative to chat with Gu Xian'er. Once some things were opened, they couldn't stop.

Especially when she knows what hobbies Gu Xian'er has.

For a while, Gu Xian'er even felt a little bit like finding a confidant.

However, during the conversation, Gu Changge was inevitably mentioned.

In particular, Gu Xian'er asked Gu Changge what he was doing from time to time, which made Yue Mingkong wonder. Before she came to Celestial Immortals, what happened between Gu Changge and Gu Xian'er?

Why is Gu Xian'er's attitude not as hostile as she thought? Instead, she asked Gu Changge many times?

Of course, this kind of remarks cannot be easily asked, after all, some secret things are involved.

And when the two were chatting and talking, in the distant void, it became blurred, and there was a wave of fluctuations.

Big Elder's complexion was not so good, and he walked out of it.

He saw Yuemingkong here at a glance, and he didn't even look good at Gu Changge's fiancee.


Gu Xian'er respectfully said.

"I have seen Elder." Yue Mingkong also stood up to meet the courtesy. After all, she was trespassing here without permission, which made her feel a bit abrupt.

Of course, she still believes in Elder's behavior, and will not blame her for this trivial matter.

"Xian'er breakthrough sealed the Hou Jing? Very good, much faster than Gu Changge's back then." Elder noticed Gu Xian'er's Realm, and he couldn't help but feel a little relieved. It can be regarded as alleviating the depressed mood just now. .

Then he looked at Yuemingkong in front of him, nodded and said, "Where is Gu Changge? Where is he?

Yue Mingkong's expression is neither humble nor arrogant, "Changge is not in the mountain gate now, he went to Daotian Ancient City to deal with some things."

In front of outsiders, she did not directly address Gu Changge by name.

Because this will make the relationship between her and Gu Changge very strange, and it will also make Gu Changge Face uncomfortable.

Even if Gu Changge is not here, she seems to defend him in these small details.

Gu Xian'er noticed this, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart that she deserves to be the emperor of the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty, and her etiquette is very thoughtful.

Elder was not surprised when he heard this, and Gu Changge certainly didn't want to come here to see his face.

It just so happened that he didn't want to go to Gu Changge's face.

However, some things still have to be faced.

At the moment, Elder pondered for a while and said, "The old man will go to Supreme Peak and wait for him to come back."

As he said, with a flick of his robe, the void in front of him became blurred, and a passage suddenly appeared.

Big Elder walked in first.

Seeing this, Gu Xian'er naturally didn't want to stay on the top of the mountain. After all, after holding back on the mountain for so long, she was about to be suffocated, and then she stepped into it with Yue Mingkong.

The space channel quickly disappeared.

No peak.

Inside the palace, Gu Changge paced with his hands in his hands, his eyes darkened, and his face was a little thoughtful.

He just returned to the mountain gate from Daotian Ancient City.

During this time, Yin Mei helped him find a lot of good cultivation resources, and he was being held in the dungeon, so he took the time to go.

Now his true Cultivation Base has also broken through to the Celestial God Realm instead of the half-step Celestial God Realm before.

The half-step gap is not just a little bit.

Under the gods, they are all ants. This sentence is not for nothing. For the existence of the gods, it is enough to overlook the existence of the true gods, casually slapped to death, and powerful.

Gu Changge itself is a young and supreme, with endless means. If it really breaks out, the existence of the general gods will not be his opponent.

Of course, Gu Changge is naturally very satisfied with this kind of heaven-defying cultivation speed, which is faster than he adds.

Immortal swallowing magic power is worthy of taboo magic power. It is worthy of the word taboo, and it is worthy of the terrifying consequences that it needs to bear.

It can swallow the origin, Cultivation Base, primordial spirit, etc., and turn it into its own use, and with the corresponding secret technique, it can be refined with the great aquarium to ensure that there will be no energy conflicts, confusion, and accidents.

After all, Immortal Swallowing Magic Skill can only be regarded as a cultivation method, not a real Cultivation Technique, similar to the one added by Gu Changge, but requires various sources as nourishment to promote superposition.

In addition to Cultivation Base Ascension, Yin Mei was also monitoring White Tiger young master Bai Lie's every move for Gu Changge during this time. He noticed that Bai Lie left Daotian Ancient City and went to another ancient city in Wuliangtian.

Gu Changge guessed that Ye Ling would be there.

Of course he didn't startle.

The inheritance of Samsara Gu Tianzun is naturally impossible to fall into the hands of a small Ye Ling.

And as the son of luck, Ye Ling's benefits and opportunities are definitely not as simple as the inheritance of Gu Tianzun.

Now that Gu Changge is in the dark and Ye Ling is in the light, it is actually very simple to deal with him.

But what Gu Changge considers is that Yue Mingkong, as a reborn person, logically knows more opportunities than Ye Ling.

And she should also know Ye Ling's future development trajectory.

Foresight is the biggest hang.

Leaving Yueming Kong alone, he took care of a little Ye Ling, it can only be said that he picked sesame seeds and lost the watermelon.

"Yue Mingkong, I went out for a while, and I couldn't see anyone when I came back."

Gu Changge frowned.

Yue Mingkong is not at the Supreme Peak now, but he can't figure out where she will go at this time?

Did he sneak into the depths of Celestial Immortals Palace while he was leaving the mountain gate, or did he go to find a way to kill Ye Ling?

He didn't bother to ask the other disciples.

"It should be to find Gu Xian'er."

Gu Changge's eyes narrowed slightly. This is possible. Speaking of Gu Xian'er and Yue Mingkong both want to kill him, there is nothing wrong with the two of them working together.

He didn't pay attention to this, and the two of them couldn't make any waves together.

The recent matter of the Ancient Immortal Continent was his main focus.

"Gu Changge"

Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations from outside the palace, and a spatial passage emerged. Big Elder's complexion slightly sank, and he walked out of it.

Behind him, they followed Gu Xian'er and Yue Mingkong.

"Oh, the big Elder came to my supreme peak, why is it?" Gu Changge glanced away and asked calmly.

He had already guessed what Elder came from, and it must have something to do with the Celestial Immortals.

Elder has been discussing this matter recently, and he naturally knows it.

And it is likely that Yue Mingkong ran to talk to Gu Xian'er about dealing with him, and it happened that Elder's discussion ended, and the two of them were brought here by the way.

He had thought of today, the big Elder would beg him.

Gu Changge was at ease, and he didn't feel anxious. Even if Elder didn't want to, he would still be eaten to death by him today.

"The old man comes to Supreme Peak, do you still need your permission?" When Elder saw Gu Changge's expression, his face was very unsightly, and his anger was faintly revealed.

Obviously, he has been practicing Taoism for so many years, and his mood has long been such that he is not happy with things or sad for himself, but he has repeatedly been irritated by Gu Changge.

This made Elder wonder if something went wrong with his mental state practice.

"Naturally not needed. But if Elder is fine, please come back. It happens that I have something to talk to Mingkong. It is not very convenient if there are outsiders.

Gu Changge downplayed authenticity and directly ordered Elder to chase away his guests.