Chapter 125

Just when the outside world caused a sensation because of the Immortal Ancient Continent.

In a remote and quiet courtyard in Daotian Ancient City, Ye Ling, who has been dressed in disguise, changed appearance, and even changed his original aura.

Now he has the appearance of Bai Jun, like a young man, frowning and walking continuously.

"Old tortoise, now the cultivator of the White Tiger clan captures me every day outside. You say I won't be discovered by them, right?

Ye Ling said with a gloomy expression.

Although he had changed his face and concealed his original aura with Samsara's strength, he didn't dare to wander around casually.

The White Tiger clan threatened to bring a lot of treasures that could reveal the origin, no matter how hidden, they can be photographed.

So Ye Ling was panicked, but at the same time depressed, aggrieved and angry.

He obviously didn't do anything, but he was carried on such a big pot, and he became the inheritor of magic skills that everyone shouted and beat.

My mood now is terrible.

"Don't worry, no one can see the secret method of Samsara Ancient Heavenly Sovereign. You can rest assured that they can find your traces whatever they want, and it will be the old tortoise loser.

In the pendant, a burst of brilliance appeared, and the appearance of an old white jade tortoise was revealed.

It looks a bit of a fairy style, but the look in his eyes is a bit sly.

This look is quite against the peace, and you can see that it is not a serious tortoise.

Ye Ling was also relieved when he heard that, but still very aggrieved, "Don't let me know who is setting me up, otherwise I will definitely crush him!"

"Obviously this matter has something to do with the man in white that night. It is very likely that he was murdering you, the so-called inheritor of magic power, it is very likely that it is him!"

Laogui also analyzed for him at this time.

"But neither he nor I have seen him. Why should he wrong me? Is it my enemy before?"

"Three Seven Seven" Ye Ling's complexion was very ugly, he couldn't figure it out, he even suspected that the person was Ye Langtian.

After all, apart from Ye Langtian, he currently has no major enemies.

"If Ye Langtian had this method, he would have already started it on me. Although it is possible, it is unlikely."

"Furthermore, the timing of the explosion of Immortal Swallowing Magic Technique is too coincidental. I suspect that the true magician inheritor has actually been practicing near the Celestial Immortals Palace, and may even be a disciple of the Celestial Immortals Palace."

Ye Ling's eyes narrowed.

He is not stupid, after all, he can get to this point, and he has experienced intrigue along the way.

When he thought about it this way, he felt more and more reasonable.

Moreover, the other party calculated that he was hiding a secret, so he didn't dare to expose it to the public. That's why I dared to throw the pot at him so blatantly!

That's why this is vicious!

"Based on the situation that Yuemingkong sent someone to ambush me that day, she should have guessed that I have a legacy of existence and wanted to take it." Ye Ling analyzed for a while, and a flash of inspiration in his mind suddenly couldn't help but hit. A cold face.

In broad daylight, he suddenly felt an astonishing chill, and even his soul was almost frozen.

"Furthermore, Yue Mingkong is Gu Changge's fiancée, and Gu Changge probably also knows this.

"The first person I ruled out was Gu Changge, the heir of Celestial Immortals, but now I think that his suspicion is the biggest!

Thinking of this, Ye Ling was horrified, and his scalp was numb.

Who would have thought that Gu Changge would be the inheritor of magic power?

If it hadn't analyzed the greatest possibility, he couldn't believe it.

The rumors of Gu Changge from the outside world have mixed praises and criticisms. Some people say that he is indifferent and cruel.

And now it's even more expensive as heir to Celestial Immortals and the young master of the longevity Gu family.

How could he be the inheritor of the magic skills of self-defeating future?

"This matter is simply too scary. Under the eyes of the Celestial Immortals Palace, their heirs will turn out to be heirs of magic arts. Once this matter is exposed, it will definitely shock the upper realm!

The old turtle was also frightened, with a solemn expression. Ye Ling's words were not unreasonable, and the consequences of this were hard to imagine.

If ordinary people are the inheritors of magic power, that's okay.

But Gu Changge is not an ordinary person, his identity is definitely the top of his peers in the upper realm.

What is the equivalent of this?

It is equivalent to the emperor and emperor of the same generation!

"This matter is very important, the things involved are terrible, and according to what you said, Gu Changge is indeed the most suspicious." The old turtle looked serious.

It's just that now only it and Ye Ling know about this, even if it is said, no one will believe it.

"Damn it, it turned out that Gu Changge was framing me. I hadn't seen him before! But I threatened to challenge him and caused him to do so. It seems really a narrow-minded villain."

"Okay, I'll fight you this time! What about the capital of a true immortal? What about the inheritance of magic power? I am not afraid of you!"

Ye Ling gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.At this moment, his eyes were full of anger, but his fighting spirit was high!

After all, along the way, I don't know how many powerful opponents he has defeated. Although Gu Changge seems to occupy the right time and place, Ye Ling also believes that he can counterattack and flip!

This feeling of being played on the palm of Gu Changge at will, being planted and framed silently by Gu Changge made Ye Ling extremely humiliated and angry.

"Please don't say anything in advance. Even if you say it, no one will believe it. You may get murdered back then. Gu Changge won't move you, just want you to take care of him!"

Lao Gui also said at this time that for others, this was a conspiracy, but for Ye Ling, it was a conspiracy that he couldn't refuse.

Gu Changge is terrible!

"Of course, it's better that we guessed wrong. It's really creepy to have such a terrible enemy staring in secret…" it sighed again.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the courtyard, accompanied by a cold, arrogant and crisp sound.

"anyone there?"

"Chi Ling, she is here!"

Hearing this, Ye Ling was immediately overjoyed and hurriedly got up to open the door.

He still trusts Chi Ling who fought side by side at the beginning, and Chi Ling is already in contact with him, and will help him find a way to clean up his grievances and suspicions.

Soon, Chi Ling came in, and the two sat at a table in the courtyard. Ye Ling poured a cup of tea for her.

"Ye Ling, you look like this, I almost didn't recognize it." Chi Ling looked at Ye Ling's appearance now and couldn't help but wonder.

After talking with Gu Changge, she left the Celestial Immortals Palace and returned to the residence of the Vermillion Bird clan.

Then he contacted Ye Ling, and based on his information, he came to the door.

Ye Ling also sighed, "There is no way, it has to be like this recently, otherwise I don't know how to die.

After that, he informed Chi Ling of his recent situation.

Chi Ling felt a little sympathy for him when he heard the words, and it was really too miserable for him to carry the black pot inexplicably.

"Don't worry, Ye Ling, depending on our friendship, I will definitely find a way to help you."

"In addition, I recently contacted a big man, and he also thinks that you have been wronged, and I will work with him to find a way to prove your innocence."

Afterwards, Chi Ling said with a smile.

She did not directly say who the big man was, because she knew that there seemed to be a contradiction between Ye Ling and Gu Changge, and Ye Ling had threatened to challenge Gu Changge.

If you say this directly, with Ye Ling's arrogant temperament, maybe he will directly refuse, and won't accept it.

So she is ready to confess all this at a suitable time in the future.

Maybe Gu Changge and Ye Ling could become friends.

Hearing that, Ye Ling was a little surprised, which was completely unexpected.

"Who is that big man? I really want to thank him." Ye Ling couldn't help but say.

"I can't tell you yet, but in the younger generation, the energy he contains is rare, and even I can't match it." Chi Ling can only tell him that.

With that said, Ye Ling was even more surprised and excited.

I am grateful for that big man.

This is a good person to give charcoal in the snow!

Afterwards, Chi Ling discussed with him again, let Ye Ling mix with her followers, and head to the Ancient Immortal Continent three days later.

Ye Ling is naturally eager for this!

He doesn't have any power and tradition behind him, and he can only be used as Rogue Cultivators at that time. If you want to go to the Celestial Immortals Palace, it will take a lot of work.

Chi Ling is the descendant of the Vermillion Bird clan. He is very talented and has many followers. There are no more people than him, and no more people than him, which can save a lot of trouble.

During this period of time, cultivators in various ancient cities outside the world were making a lot of noise because of the birth of the magician inheritor and the opening of the ancient continent.

Gu Changge is even more unscrupulous and unscrupulous.

When using Immortal Swallowing Demon Cultivation in the past, it was necessary to converge so as not to be noticed by a crowd of Elder and his disciples that he was heading to Daotian Ancient City.

Now he doesn't need to think about these at all.

But Ye Ling is the inheritor of magic power.

And he has nothing to do with someone.


In the glorious hall, Yin Mei stood respectfully.

During this period of time, all Taoist traditions are more concerned about their young talents because they are wary of the inheritors of magic arts, and they are afraid of encountering poisonous hands.

But it does not affect her gathering cultivation resources for Gu Changge.

The most important thing is that the nine-tailed celestial fox family runs a wide range of business, and they are involved in many industries.

Such as brothels, underground black markets, auction sites, slave shops

In this kind of place, it is too easy to search for cultivation resources for Gu Changge.

I was always cautious because I was afraid of being exposed before.

But now thanks to Ye Ling carrying the pot on his back, even if these things are exposed, they will eventually be counted on Ye Ling's head.

Yin Mei only needs to be careful to cover her back.

"A total of more than 300 young cultivators from the Soul Palace Realm were captured in these three days, and there were more than 50 Holy Lord Realm cultivators. In addition, there were also some Fenghou Realms and King Realms.

"As for the number above the Void God Realm, there are only a few, and there are also many ancient corpses whose essence has not dissipated."

Yin Mei reported to Gu Changge that the resources he had collected in these days were almost more than that of the previous half a month.

"well done."

Gu Changge listened, with a somewhat satisfied expression.

"Thank you host for the compliment.

Hearing the compliment, Yin Mei couldn't help but smile, smiling very happily.

It was much more convenient for Ye Ling to do things for him.

His current real Cultivation Base is the Celestial God Realm. Because of the special reason of Swallowing Immortal Demon Art, there is actually no Realm.

The breakthrough is the breakthrough when the accumulation is enough.

With these resources, he can break through to the holy realm, and it takes only half a year at most.

So Gu Changge doesn't care about his superficial Cultivation Base at present. No matter how strong the Celestial Immortals code is, he has to be honest.

How can the magic power of swallowing immortals come so cool?

He doesn't believe that he will be exposed, even if it is exposed, unless he actively exposes it.

At that time, his Cultivation Base could almost be pushed into the world. Who would dare to say no to him?

Afterwards, Gu Changge went to the dungeon, which is still hidden, and it can be regarded as the base camp for his contact with Yin Mei.

He understands the truth about the Three Caves of the Rabbit.

So there are different cultivation places nearby, like the dungeon found by the White Tiger clan, but Gu Changge deliberately leaked it to them.

Soon, half a quarter of an hour later, the black avenue aquarium was ups and downs, and strands of black light fell down.

Finally, he fell back to Gu Changge Linghai, and the cultivation ended.

"The Heavenly God Realm is really not so breakthrough."

"It seems that the strength of these cultivators is too weak!"

Gu Changge shook his head, frowned slightly, and left here.

At the same time, he opened the current properties interface.

Owner: Gu Changge.

Halo: Destiny villain.

Weapon: Eight Desolate Demon Halberd.

Identity: Dao Celestial Immortals Palace Zhenzhu disciple, young master of the longevity Gu family.

Physique Bloodline: Demon Heart Dao Bone.

Cultivation Base: Seal King Realm late stage (Real Cultivation Base, Celestial God Realm early stage).

Cultivation Technique supernatural powers: Dao Celestial Immortals (the eighth level progress is 90%), Wanhua Demon Body (talent), Xiantian Divine Mind (talent), Void Spirit (talent), Immortal Swallowing Magic Skill, Infinite Immortals Decided..

Destiny value: 15,000.

Lucky points: 3000 points (black).

System Mall: Has been opened.

Warehouse: Boundary Breaking Talisman*1, Forbidden Breaking Talisman*1, Divine Hidden Talisman*1, Qi Luck Plunder Card*3.

He did not choose to be in breakthrough Realm.

At present, the Realm on the surface is enough, but these destiny values ​​are not as good as keeping the evolutionary world.

Gu Changge also didn't plan to study Celestial Immortals on his own. Although it is not difficult for his talent, it is not necessary.

He then looked at the things in the system mall again, and the bones of the avenue are still useful.

Soon, he saw the same talent and looked a little interested.


This name is a bit bluff 3.7!

In the Fantasy world, things that dare to take the name of transcendence are extraordinary, and they will bear the Karma that their name should have.

"Transcendence is a kind of supreme talent, which is manifested as transcendence and inaction, unfettered. It can be blood, bones, heart, and soul."

Gu Changge looked at his introduction and felt a little moved.

If it works on the bones, the price is probably one piece of 30,000 destiny!

"Thirty thousand destiny points can be directly exchanged for three thousand gas luck points!""

Gu Changge groaned, after all, this is still calculated on a block by block basis.

There are a total of 206 bones in the human race, which means that you can actually replace all the bones in your body?

When the time comes, the destiny value is enough, so change it all over again.

Isn't one piece worth 3,000 points of luck? Isn't Gu lacking this little money?


Thinking of this, Gu Changge did not hesitate, and directly replaced the bone beside his Dao Bone, detaching himself from this supreme talent blessing.

In an instant, he felt a mysterious and mysterious feeling enveloped, as if blooming and cohesive on that bone.

What is this similar to?

The carp leaped over the dragon gate and became a real dragon in the sky in one fell swoop.

This is an essential change.

Many of the previous inheritance of the control of the god channel method, even at this moment Gu Changge has a deeper understanding and control.

For example, before it was only the level of spells, but now it is changing to the rules.

It is necessary to know the existence of the holy realm to understand and apply the rules initially.

And he can already initially control the rules of use?

At this moment, Gu Changge only feels that these three thousand points of luck are not at all loss.

"So my current real strength should be able to kill the saint?"

He pondered a little, then left here and returned to Celestial Immortals Palace. .